Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test - info-hero

Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test

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Ketamine is primarily intended for use veterinary offices, but sometimes gets abused as a date rape drug due to its odorless and tasteless properties. It is sometimes also abused for its hallucinogenic effects similar to PCP. Health Street offers a Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test for those looking to test specifically for this substance up to 90 days back.

Online registration is simple. You choose the lab location based on ZIP code during registration. An authorization barcode is instantly emailed to you and texted directly to the phone of the person being tested. A map of the clinic location will accompany the barcode. The registrant can then walk into the drug testing facility and show the barcode along with photo ID. Results are fast, signed by a doctor, and reported securely online. Individuals and employers can register online or call (888) 378-2499 to order drug tests.

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Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test Options

Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test
The Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test specifically looks only for ketamine drug use. Find Clinic Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ketamine show up on a urine drug test?

This depends on the type of urine drug test. Not every urine panel will include ketamine as part of panel of substances being tested. If you're looking for a urine test that looks only for ketamine use, try our ketamine urine test. Note that a urine drug test has a smaller detection window of up to one week back.

Does a Ketamine Drug Test look for other date rape drugs?

This test looks exclusively for ketamine. Health Street offers an Emergency Date Rape Drug Test if you're looking to test for a comprehensive panel of date rape drugs. The Emergency Date Rape Drug Test is a urine drug test that can detect date rape drugs up to one week back.

How much does a Ketamine Hair Test cost?

Our Ketamine Hair Drug Test begins at $375. The final price of this drug test depends on whether additional services or tests are added during the checkout process.

Do I need to book an appointment for a Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test?

You need to register online or via phone. After that, you can walk in at any time during business hours.

Does Health Street offer a Ketamine Hair Test for employment screening?

Yes. Health Street is one of the most trusted providers for pre-employment drug testing. Our cutting-edge technology allows us to quickly and safely deliver drug testing results to individuals or employers.

How long does ketamine stay in your system?

Health Street offers a Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test for those looking to test specifically for this substance up to 90 days back.

About Our Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test

A hair follicle test looks back on a much longer detection window than a urine drug screen. Since hair testing can identify drug use up to 90 days back, it is a common selection for those looking for chronic or binge use over an extended period of time. Each hair drug test looks for different substances, so it is important to check which substances are being screened if a specific drug detection is required. The number of drug classes being tested is the same as the number of the drug panel. Since multiple drugs can belong to the same class, the panel number does not necessarily indicate the specific number of substances being screened.

Hair drug testing is highly effective, and registration can be completed quickly online or via phone. The person being tested will come into one of our clinics to have a hair specimen collected by our professional technicians. Negative results are usually available within a few days. Non-negative results go through confirmation testing and may take longer.

Why Choose Health Street

Health Street is one of the most trusted providers for pre-employment drug testing. Our cutting-edge technology allows us to quickly and safely deliver drug testing results to individuals or employers. By providing employers with a secure way to review results, we help them mitigate risk and allow more time to focus on hiring the right candidates.

We also offer individuals the ability to discreetly get drug tested and review their results inside our online platform. Simply order a test online and visit one of our 10,000 locations nationwide, and our specialist will collect the necessary specimen. Within a few days, you can log into our online dashboard to securely review your results.

In addition to drug testing, we offer a suite of other services, including DNA testing and pre-employment background check services.

What Drugs Does the Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test Cover?

The following substances can be detected in our Ketamine Hair Follicle Drug Test. Use the below links for more information about each substance:

Related Tests

Health Street offers many other options for hair drug testing. If you'd like to see a comprehensive list of all hair drug tests that we offer, you can view all hair tests here.

If hair testing isn't what you need, try taking a look at our Ketamine Drug Test.