GHB Drug Test
A GHB Drug Test can detect Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate, also known as a Georgia Home Boy. This test should be ordered immediately if you suspect you were given this amnesia-inducing drug against your will, or worse, if you were drugged and assaulted. Standard home drug tests will not detect GHB. Drug testing for GHB is time sensitive.
GHB, or Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate, commonly known by it's street name, Georgia Home Boy, sounds like something rugged and fun, but the truth is GHB is a chemical compound that kills. A mainstream drug at clubs and raves, it goes under a variety of street names such as Liquid X, Lollipops or Easy Lay — in reference to its use as a date rape drug. Sometimes called Hillbilly Heroin, GHB is a cheap and easy compound to synthesize in home basement labs — another reason why it has gained popularity among teens and young adults. When combined with other drugs or alcohol, GHB lives up to its other nickname — "grievous bodily harm." A certain form of this compound, brand name Xyrem, has therapeutic value as a treatment for narcolepsy, as well. GHB is a depressant comparable to alcohol and Ecstasy.
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Emergency Date Rape Test
$350Frequently Asked Questions
What are the side effects of GHB?
Users feel a sense of euphoria and enhanced sensuality when they take the drug in small doses. In larger amounts, they experience dizziness, drowsiness, agitation, nausea and vision changes.
In some cases, it renders the user unconscious and open to sexual abuse. Sixty-nine percent of users admit to losing consciousness when high on GHB. The drug is odorless, so it can be slipped into a drink, but GHB is known to taste vile. Here's a tip: if your drink suddenly tastes awful, spit it out. If someone encourages you to try a cool but very sour lemon drink (which is one way that sexual predators convince women to gulp the nasty tasting GHB without knowing it), don't do it. One gulp of GHB is all it takes to make you a possible victim of sexual assault.
What does GHB do?
GHB binds with receptor sites in the central nervous system and is capable of depressing respiratory function. Combining even a small amount Georgia Home Boy with another depressant such as alcohol leads to extreme sedation and respiratory arrest. Emergency rooms also report medical emergencies when multiple club drugs like cocaine, Ecstasy and Rohypnol are used in combination with GHB.
What is GHB dependence and withdrawal?
It is unclear whether there is a risk of dependence with GHB since it is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body. Chances are the dependence is as much psychological as it is chemical, but regular users report withdrawal symptoms such as:
What are signs of GHB ingestion?
GHB is a club drug, so people who frequent the party scene will generally have easy access to it, and in some cases, they may take it unknowingly. Amnesia is a common side effect with this drug, increasing its popularity among those will ill intent. Other signs of use include sweating, vomiting, dream-like memories, nausea and low respiration.
Where can I find the GHB test on your website?
To sign up, you can register for a GHB drug test online. To read more information about our GHB drug test, go to our urine drug testing page, scroll down to "Date Rape Drug Tests," and click the "About" under the GHB drug test.
What is the method of administering the test?
Both the GHB Drug Test and the Emergency Date Rape Drug Test are urine drug tests.
What is the scientific name for GHB?
GHB is scientifically known as Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate, but more commonly known as Georgia Home Boy.
Does Health Street offer a hair drug test for GHB?
No, our GHB drug test is urine only.
How long does GHB stay in your system?
GHB has a short detection window, which can vary slightly depending on the person's age, weight, frequency of use, amount used, metabolism, and so on. Testing for GHB is time sensitive and should be performed as soon as possible.