Education History & Degree Verification
Our Education History & Degree Verification will determine if the schools and degrees listed on a resume are valid. We will confirm if the job candidate has attended the schools listed, that the degrees listed have actually been acquired, and that the dates the degrees were earned match the dates claimed.
Our registration process for a background screening is fast and easy. Just register online or call (888) 378-2499. All signatures are collected electronically. Once the screening is completed, a background report will be secured in our online portal for easy access.
Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered
Education History & Degree Verification Options
Education History & Degree Verification
$39Prior Employment Verification
$39Frequently Asked Questions
How does Health Street determine which schools to check?
We will look into any schools that are listed on the job candidate's resume, and let you know whether or not those claims are accurate.
What else can Health Street check from a resume?
Our Resume Verification service allows for up to 10 checks for information included on a resume. Along with education history and degrees, this may include checks of employment history, references, and professional licenses.
Why is it important to verify education and degrees of a job candidate?
Gaining confidence in a job candidate's educational background is an important step in the hiring process. If misleading information is included in a resume, and then overlooked during the hiring process, you risk hiring a candidate that is not qualified to fulfill the job duties. This can have a detrimental impact not only on the team and morale, but potentially on the company's reputation and success. Of course, the employer also saves valuable time that can be channeled into other important business operations by enrolling in our verification services.
What does the Education History and Degree Verification determine?
Health Street's Education History & Degree Verification service verifies the accuracy of schools and degrees listed on a candidate's resume. This service ensures that the information the job candidate provides regarding their educational background is valid. Health Street conducts thorough investigations to confirm that the candidate attended claimed educational institutions, attained the claimed degrees, and completed the degree by the claimed date. We help employers make informed decisions based on verified academic qualifications and maintain the integrity of their hiring processes.
What type of Education History & Degree Verification options does Health Street offer?
Health Street offers three different types of education history and degree verifications:
About Our Education History & Degree Verification
What We Check in Our Background Screenings
Depending on the type of background check that is selected, we look through several databases to search for important information relating to the person. Some types of background checks that we perform include:
For an even more comprehensive employee screening process, we also offer drug and alcohol testing options.
Registering for Background Check Services
Registering for a background check is fast, and can be done online or via phone. Once registration is completed, we will send you two documents. One is an agreement for the background screening service, and one is a waiver for the person being screened to give us approval to proceed. Both of these documents will be delivered and signed electronically, and the background screening will automatically begin once they have been signed. When the requested services have been completed, a background screening report will be stored securely in our online portal.
Why Choose Health Street
We Value Your Security
Health Street sends out a waiver to the person being screened before we proceed with the request. Only when we receive approval to proceed from the person being screened will we conduct the background screening. Once the background report has been finalized, we store it securely in our online portal.
If you still have any concerns, our friendly customer service team is happy to answer any additional questions you may have about our background checks via phone.
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