25 Panel Urine Drug Test
For the most comprehensive drug test that we offer, try our 25 Panel Drug Test. This panel tests for more classes of drugs than any of our other standard panels, and includes many street drugs, opiates, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, opiate inhibitors, date rape drugs, and club drugs.
Registering online is easy. Just select the clinic location based on ZIP code and complete the registration process. An authorization barcode is immediately sent to you via email and texted directly to the phone of the person being tested along with a map of the clinic location. The registrant can then walk into the drug testing facility, show the barcode along with photo ID, and complete the drug test. Results for tests are quick, signed by a doctor, and stored securely in our online portal. Individuals and employers can register online or call (888) 378-2499 to order tests.
Please be informed that this particular drug test includes highly specialized substances which may take 2 weeks or longer to get results.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How far back does a 25 Panel Drug Test go?
As with any of our urine drug tests, the detection window is up to one week back.
When will drug test results be available?
Most often, drug test results are available within one or two days if the results are negative. For non-negative results, we perform confirmation testing using GC-MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry), and results will be available in about one week.
Is alcohol tested in a 25 Panel Drug Test?
Alcohol is not automatically included in this panel. Health Street offers a variety of alcohol tests that can be ordered in addition to the 25 panel drug test, or we offer several package deals that combine our 12 panel drug test with alcohol testing.
Does a 25 Panel Drug Test look for marijuana use?
Yes, marijuana is included in the panel of drugs being tested in the 25 panel drug test.
How do I receive the results of the drug testing?
You will receive the results in your email, which you provide when registering.
What is the turnaround time for the 25 Panel Urine Drug Test?
Due to the inclusion of highly specialized substances in this particular drug test, the results may take two weeks or longer to process.
About Our 25 Panel Urine Drug Test
We offer a wide variety of urine panels as well as specialized urine screens to detect specific substances. Each urine drug test looks for different substances, so it is important to check which substances are being screened if a specific drug detection is required. The number of drug classes being tested is the same as the number of the drug panel. Since multiple drugs can belong to the same class, the panel number does not necessarily indicate the specific number of substances being screened.
Urine drug testing is inexpensive, highly effective, and one of the most popular methods of drug testing for employers and individuals. Registration is fast, and can be done online or via phone. The person being tested will come into one of our clinics to have a urine specimen collected by our professional technicians. Negative results are usually available within a day or two. Non-negative results get gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) confirmation testing at one of our SAMHSA certified laboratories, and results will be available in about one week.
Why Choose Health Street
SAMHSA Certified Laboratory and MRO
Our lab based tests are processed at a SAMHSA certified laboratory, and results are reviewed by one of our Medical Review Officers (MRO). Our MROs are licensed physicians and toxicology experts. The MRO will release the final results, which will be reported to the employer or person who requested the test.
What Drugs Does the 25 Panel Urine Drug Test Cover?
Please keep in mind that although this is the 25 Panel Urine Drug Test, more types of substances can be detected in this panel. This is because many of these drugs belong to the same class (e.g., codeine, morphine, and heroin are all basic opiates).
The following substances can be detected in the 25 Panel Urine Drug Test. Use the below links for more information about each substance:
Related Tests
Health Street offers many other options for urine drug testing. If you'd like to see a comprehensive list of all urine drug tests that we offer, you can view all urine tests here.
If urine testing isn't what you need, try taking a look at our Hair Drug Tests.