14 Panel Drug Test
Our 14 Panel Urine Drug Test picks up Tramadol and Demerol, plus all the drugs detected by our 12 panel test. Anyone with possible access to these highly addictive narcotics, such as staff of hospitals or veterinarians, should be tested for these drugs. These narcotics are intended for use in treating severe pain, but are sometimes abused or misused.
Registering online is quick and easy. Just enter your zip code, and we'll show you the clinics that are closest to you. Select a location and complete registration, then we'll send you a barcode and a map to the testing facility. Urine specimens are sent to a SAMHSA certified laboratory for analysis. Our MRO (Medical Review Officer) reviews all results, which are reported securely online. Register online or give us a call at (888)378-2499.
Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to get results of a 14 Panel Urine Drug Test?
With a negative test result, 14 Panel Urine Drug Tests typically come back the next business day, but can take longer in some cases. If the screening is not negative, further testing is required. Our lab will run a GC/MS confirmation test on all non-negative results, which provides an official, quantitative measurement of the level of drugs in the system. Confirmation testing takes approximately 3 to 7 days.
How long tramadol stay in your system?
The detection window for tramadol in the 14 Panel Urine Drug Test is up to approximately 4 days.
Does alcohol show up on the 14 Panel Drug Test?
The 14 Panel Drug Test does not test for alcohol. To include this, consider adding a standard alcohol test or an EtG alcohol urine test.
Does methadone show up on the 14 Panel Drug Test?
Yes, Methadone will show up on a 14 Panel Drug Test if the person used it within the detection window.
How far back does this test go?
Health Street's urine drug tests look at usage in the past week, but metabolisms vary, as do types of drugs, so this is not a hard and fast rule as some would believe. If you want to look at drug use over a longer period of time, our hair follicle drug tests start checking at about a week prior, and go all the way back to around 90 days. The most comprehensive approach is to do both urine and hair, thereby checking both the current week as well as the past three months.
Drug Name | Urine | Hair |
Amphetamines | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
Marijuana | 30 Days | 90 Days |
Cocaine | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
Methadone | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
Opiates | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
Benzodiazepines | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
Methaqualone | 3-7 days | 90 Days |
This chart is to be used solely as a guideline as to how long a drug would stay in one's system. In general, the detection window for a 14 Panel Urine Drug Test goes back up to a week, maximum. Factors such as how long the person has been taking the drug, the amount of drug used, and also the person's metabolism can have an effect on how long the drug stays in the system. Hair follicle tests such as our 14 Panel Hair Test can be used to detect repeat usage over an extended period of time rather than single usage, so use these in conjunction with a urine test for best results.
How is the 14 Panel Urine Drug Test performed?
The 14 Panel Urine Drug Test is a lab test that requires the person being tested to visit one of our clinics for professional specimen collection. Appointments are not necessary, but advance registration is required. Negative results are typically available within a day or two. Non-negative results undergo a GC/MS confirmation method, which may take up to a week.
About Our 14 Panel Drug Test
How a 14 Panel Urine Drug Test is Performed
This is a lab test; the person being tested comes to one of our clinics for professional specimen collection. Health Street has over 5000 drug test locations nationwide. Appointments are not necessary, but you do need to register in advance. Results for this screen are available in a day or two, if it's negative. Otherwise, non-negatives are retested using a GC/MS confirmation method, which takes about a week.
Urine Drug Test Facts
If looking to detect or deter drug use in the workplace, urine drug testing is the most frequently used method to do so
Every type of urine drug screen panel is unique, meaning that no two urine tests look for the same drugs. It is important to check which drugs are being tested before ordering a test if screening for a certain substance is required
If the results of a urine drug screen are non-negative, we send them to a SAMHSA certified lab for confirmation testing. If the urine screen is negative, results can be provided much more quickly
It is difficult to cheat a urine test because it is very hard to keep a urine specimen substitute at the correct body temperature
Some methods of drug testing, like hair drug tests, require some time for the substances to be detectable. With urine testing, however, drugs are almost immediately present in the urine after ingestion
Why Choose Health Street
Health Street's drug testing services offer individuals and employers many advantages and benefits.
Safe, secure, and fast drug testing with accurate results
Choose from our nationwide network of more than 10,000 licensed labs
Mobile drug testing available for companies and individuals
Secure portal for easy test management and viewing of results
Trusted provider in the drug testing industry
What Drugs Does the 14 Panel Drug Test Cover?
Please keep in mind that although this is the 14 Panel Drug Test, more types of substances can be detected in this panel. This is because many of these drugs belong to the same class (e.g., codeine, morphine, and heroin are all basic opiates).
The following substances can be detected in the 14 Panel Drug Test. Use the below links for more information about each substance:
Related Tests
Health Street offers many other options for urine drug testing. If you'd like to see a comprehensive list of all urine drug tests that we offer, you can view all urine tests here.
If urine testing isn't what you need, try taking a look at our 14 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test.