12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test
Our 12 panel hair follicle drug test analyzes a person's hair to determine if they've used any of twelve classes of drugs in the past 90 days, including painkillers, street drugs, ecstasy, or prescriptions. The window of detection for this test is much longer than a urine drug test.
Registration is fast and easy. Enter your ZIP code and choose the clinic that you or the person you're testing would like to go to. As soon as the registration process is completed, we'll send an email with directions to the clinic in addition to a barcode to present upon arrival. Remember to bring your photo ID to the clinic. Hair test results are reported quickly and securely online. Individuals and employers can register online or call (888) 378-2499 to order tests.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who should register for this test and why?
Anyone seeking a comprehensive, professional laboratory test with a longer window for detection should choose this test. Since this 12 panel drug screen can identify drug use up to 3 months back, it can show if the person being tested has a history of frequent or heavy drug abuse.
How do I schedule a test?
You can register online or call us to schedule. You'll receive a registration code that can be used at the nearest clinic to the city, state or ZIP code you choose. The person being tested can then walk into the clinic with photo ID and simply show the registration code.
When will I get the test results?
Results for hair tests are typically available in 2 or 3 days. Non-negative results can take longer. We will notify you as soon as the results are ready.
Does Suboxone show up on a 12 Panel Drug Test?
We offer a separate 12 Panel Urine Drug Test + Suboxone, or you can try our 17 Panel Hair Test instead. However, Suboxone does not show up on a standard 12 Panel Drug Test.
Does alcohol show up on a 12 Panel Drug Test?
Alcohol does not show up on a 12 panel hair follicle drug test. If alcohol testing is required, try our 12 Panel Plus Urine Alcohol. This test will be completed via urine specimen rather than hair. It will check for all of the same substances with the addition of alcohol.
How is a hair sample collected?
About 60 to 120 strands of hair are cut imperceptibly at the root and shipped to a federally certified laboratory to assess for the presence of drugs and their metabolites. The hair must be at least an inch and a half per strand in order to be analyzed.
We can use hair from the head, chest, leg, or armpit. If the person's head hair is shorter than 1.5 inches long, select the body hair option when registering. Many (but not all) of our clinics perform hair tests. Of the ones that do, only certain ones will perform it on body hair. We'll be sure to set you up with the right clinic location based on your specific needs.
What shows up on a 12 Panel Drug Test?
Our 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test is a thorough screening method that assesses an individual's drug usage over the past 90 days by analyzing their hair. This test covers twelve classes of drugs, including painkillers, street drugs, ecstasy, and prescription medications
About Our Other Services
With a much longer detection window than a urine drug test, our hair follicle drug tests can identify drug use up to 90 days back. This makes hair drug testing a popular choice for employers or individuals looking for long-term or frequent use over an extended period of time. Each hair test looks for different substances, so if a specific substance needs to be tested for then it is important to check if it's included in the panel. For a hair follicle test that includes a number in the name of the panel, this number is the same as the number of drug classes being tested. Since multiple drugs can belong to the same class, the panel number is often lower than the total number of drugs that are being screened for.
Registration for hair drug testing can be completed quickly online. The individual being tested will come into one of our clinics, and one of our professional technicians will collect a sample of hair. Negative hair follicle test results are usually available within a few days. Non-negative results go through confirmation testing and may take longer.
Why Choose Health Street
Health Street's drug testing services offer individuals and employers many advantages and benefits.
Safe, secure, and fast drug testing with accurate results
Choose from our nationwide network of more than 10,000 licensed labs
Mobile drug testing available for companies and individuals
Secure portal for easy test management and viewing of results
Trusted provider in the drug testing industry
What Drugs Does the 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test Cover?
Please keep in mind that although this is the 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test, more types of substances can be detected in this panel. This is because many of these drugs belong to the same class (e.g., codeine, morphine, and heroin are all basic opiates).
The following substances can be detected in the 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test. Use the below links for more information about each substance:
Related Tests
Health Street offers many other options for hair drug testing. If you'd like to see a comprehensive list of all hair drug tests that we offer, you can view all hair tests here.
If hair testing isn't what you need, try taking a look at our 12 Panel Drug Test.