Occupational Health Tests – Virginia Beach, VA

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Employers looking for occupational health testing in Virginia Beach, VA can register quickly online with Health Street. We offer a variety of occupational health tests, including diagnostic blood testing, employment physicals, respiratory health testing, tuberculosis (TB) testing, biometric testing, vision and hearing testing, and antibody testing.

Occupational health testing can help reduce risks in the workplace, including risks of injury, illness, or infectious disease. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) or other government regulations often define the requirements for which employees should be tested and how often testing should occur.

Health Street offers Virginia Beach occupational health tests to fit the needs of employers during any stage of the hiring process or for routine testing. Simply register online, or call (757) 356-2755. Online registration is easy. Just enter your ZIP code, choose the clinic that works best for you, and complete the registration process.

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Occupational Health Testing in Virginia Beach, VA

Antibody Testing

(starting at $149)

Check if a person has antibodies to specific diseases, such as:

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • hepatitis A, B, and C

Biometric Testing

(starting at $75)

Collect key measurements of a person's physical health, such as:

  • Blood pressure
  • BMI
  • Weight
  • Lipid and blood glucose

Diagnostic Blood

(starting at $78)

Measure a person's blood for important health indicators like:

  • Kidney and liver function
  • Electrolytes
  • Sugar level

Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

Physicals in Virginia Beach can include:

  • DOT physicals
  • Non-DOT physicals
  • Kraus Weber lower back exams
  • Lift tests

Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Assess respiratory health by registering for:

  • Pulmonary function tests
  • EKGs
  • X-rays
  • Respirator fit tests

Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Tuberculosis testing options in Virginia Beach include:

  • Oxford T-Spot tests
  • PPD skin tests
  • Chest x-rays


(starting at $229)

Reduce the spread of disease with vaccines, such as:

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Tetanus
  • Hepatitis A and B

Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Choose an audiometric test, or any of four vision tests:

  • Ishihara
  • Jaeger
  • Snellen
  • Titmus

Local information for Virginia Beach Occupational Testing

Virginia Beach occupational health rules and regulations have been put in place to create protections for both private and public employees and employers. With the use of Virginia Beach occupational health services, employers can better identify potential workplace hazards and create mitigation strategies to avoid employee illness, injury, or even death.

A reduction in workplace hazards can lead to fewer operational slowdowns and overall increased productivity. However, it's important for employers to comply with Virginia Beach workplace health regulations to also avoid costly state penalties and fines. Failing to comply with workplace occupational health regulations increases the chance of workplace hazards, which can also hike up employee workers' compensation insurance costs.

The state of Virginia currently follows guidelines set forth by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). To ensure compliance, the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Compliance Program provides employers guidance on occupational health standards through education and inspection. Keep reading to learn more about how some of these Virginia Beach occupational health regulations for the workplace could affect you.

Virginia Beach Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

The Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Law was established by the state to create the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Program. Referring to numerous federal and state workplace occupational health laws, the program works to provide job safety and health protection for employees through workplace regulation and inspections. If VOSH finds that an employer is in violation of a Virginia Beach Occupational Health regulation, the employer can face mandatory penalties of up to $13,047 per serious offense. Furthermore, under this law, employees have the right to file a complaint through the program if they find their workplace unsafe.
Under Virginia Beach occupational health law, there are certain professions that face tuberculosis (TB) testing requirements. According to current workplace occupational health regulations, Virginia Beach healthcare workers, public school employees, and even correctional facility workers are required to undergo TB screenings as part of the pre-employment process. While annual TB testing is not mandated, employees can face recurring TB testing in the event that a localized risk arises.
While the state currently does not require any specific employee immunizations, Virginia Beach occupational health regulations follow OSHA guidelines when it comes to bloodborne pathogen prevention. Under such ruling, employers who manage employees at risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure, such as those in the healthcare industry, must offer hepatitis B vaccination services for those at risk of exposure or following a potential exposure event. Following an exposure event, a Virginia Beach employer must also provide post-evaluation resources, including an antibody test that can be used to measure an employee's immunity levels.
For Virginia Beach residents seeking employment in an industry that requires the use of a commercial driver's license (CDL), workplace occupational health requirements mandate that a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical is completed to obtain a CDL. This employee physical is used to determine if an employee is fit to operate a commercial vehicle and includes a hearing and vision test, physical examination, and urinalysis.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Clinic Locations

Click on a clinic below to register for occupational health services in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

4876 Baxter Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Pre-registration required,Walk-in with barcode:

M: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM(M Lunch: 12:30-2 PM)T: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM(T Lunch: 12:30-2 PM)W: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM(W Lunch: 12:30-2 PM)Th: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM(Th Lunch: 12:30-2 PM)F: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM(F Lunch: 12:30-2 PM) About this location: The Gallery at Military Circle, a shopping center with a variety of retail stores and dining options, is conveniently located close to our clinic. It also hosts a number of community events.

Related Employment Screening Services

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