Occupational Health Tests – Raleigh, NC

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Employers looking for occupational health testing in Raleigh, NC can register quickly online with Health Street. We offer a variety of occupational health tests, including diagnostic blood testing, employment physicals, respiratory health testing, tuberculosis (TB) testing, biometric testing, vision and hearing testing, and antibody testing.

Occupational health testing can help reduce risks in the workplace, including risks of injury, illness, or infectious disease. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) or other government regulations often define the requirements for which employees should be tested and how often testing should occur.

Health Street offers Raleigh occupational health tests to fit the needs of employers during any stage of the hiring process or for routine testing. Simply register online, or call (919) 822-9346. Online registration is easy. Just enter your ZIP code, choose the clinic that works best for you, and complete the registration process.

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Occupational Health Testing in Raleigh, NC

Antibody Tests

(starting at $149)

Determine if a person has immunity to a specific disease, such as hepatitis, varicella (Chickenpox), or MMR.



(starting at $75)

Evaluate physical characteristics of a person and collect key measurements, such as blood pressure, weight, BMI, and more.


Diagnostic Blood Tests

(starting at $78)

Check for important health indicators in a person's blood like sugar level, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function.


Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

DOT and non-DOT physicals are available in Raleigh to meet the needs of all industries.


Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Respiratory screenings can include respirator fit tests, pulmonary function tests, EKGs, and x-rays.


Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Diagnose tuberculosis infections using PPD skin tests, Oxford T-Spot tests, or chest x-rays.



(starting at $229)

Vaccines are available for varicella (Chickenpox), MMR, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B.


Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Ensure employees can safely perform their jobs with four different vision tests and audiometric testing.


Local information for Raleigh Occupational Health

For the protection of both Raleigh employers and employees, workplace occupational health rules and regulations have been put in place under federal and state rulings. With the use of Raleigh occupational health services, employers can implement workplace hazard assessment and mitigation processes that overall help to create safe workplaces. With safe workplaces comes less worry of employee illness or injuries which can significantly impact operations.

In addition to preserving employee health and wellness in the workplace, Raleigh occupational health regulations are also put in place to ensure employer compliance. Failing to comply with North Carolina occupational health law can result in an employer facing hefty fines and penalties. Failure to comply additionally increases the liability risk for employers, which can lead to overwhelming and unexpected legal complications.

The North Carolina Department of Labor is responsible for regulating and assessing workplaces across the state to identify high-risk situations. For North Carolina employers and employees, it's important to thoroughly understand Raleigh workplace law to ensure full compliance and safety. To learn more about the various Raleigh occupational health regulations that may affect you, read more below.

Clinic Locations

Click on a clinic below to register for occupational health services in Raleigh, North Carolina.

11001 Durant Road
Suite 106
Raleigh, NC 27614

Pre-registration required,Walk-in with barcode:

M: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM(M Lunch: 11:30-2 PM)T: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM(T Lunch: 11:30-2 PM)W: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM(W Lunch: 11:30-2 PM)Th: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM(Th Lunch: 11:30-2 PM)F: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM(F Lunch: 11:30-2 PM) About this location: Lafayette Village is a unique shopping center near our clinic. It offers a variety of boutique shops, restaurants, and services in a charming European-style village setting.

Raleigh Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

As the basis of all things workplace occupational health-related in North Carolina, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of North Carolina established protections for employees in the workplace. Under this collection of Raleigh occupational health regulations, employers are required to properly manage workplaces to ensure they are free from recognized hazards that could cause harm to employees. This act also created an enforcement program run by the state which conducts unannounced inspections to ensure ongoing Raleigh occupational health law compliance in the workplace.
Using federal OSHA guidance, the state of North Carolina has created guidelines outlining mandatory rules surrounding bloodborne pathogen exposure prevention. Under these Raleigh workplace health guidelines, employer types that manage workers at risk of exposure, such as those in healthcare, are required to construct an Exposure Control Plan outlining the necessary procedures during an event of possible exposure. These bloodborne pathogen exposure prevention laws also include a provision that requires employers to provide hepatitis B vaccination resources following possible exposure as well as post-event antibody testing to determine the worker's level of hepatitis B immunity.
In the state of North Carolina, there is a wide range of employee types that face tuberculosis (TB) testing requirements. According to Raleigh occupational health mandates, various employee types, including those working in assisted living homes, family care homes, and state correctional facilities, are required to undergo TB testing as part of the pre-employment process. Under such laws, employers belonging to these workplace settings will also be required to maintain documentation of such testing as part of the ongoing TB risk assessment process.
To ensure complete employer compliance, Raleigh occupational health rules and regulations may require certain employees in need of a commercial driver's license (CDL) to undergo the medical certification process. To determine if an employee meets the necessary criteria to operate a commercial vehicle, the medical certification process includes a hearing and vision screening, urinalysis, and a physical examination. If criteria are properly met, an individual can move forward with the CDL process.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

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