Occupational Health Tests – Palmdale, CA

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Occupational health services minimize work-related accidents, injuries, disease transmissions, and deaths. Employers looking to provide a healthy and safe workplace understand the importance of finding reliable occupational health testing.

If you're an employer looking for reliable and comprehensive Palmdale occupational health testing, look no further than Health Street. We offer a large selection of workplace occupational health services to meet the needs of all employers. Our Palmdale occupational health services include everything from pre-employment health screening to vaccines, employee physicals, and more. And with thousands of clinic locations nationwide, you're sure to find a convenient location for you.

Registering for occupational health testing in Palmdale, CA is easy. Simply enter your ZIP code, choose a clinic, and register online. Occupational health tests can also be scheduled via phone by calling (661) 276-9012.

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Occupational Health Testing in Palmdale, CA

Antibody Tests

(starting at $149)

Determine if a person has immunity to a specific disease, such as hepatitis, varicella (Chickenpox), or MMR.



(starting at $75)

Evaluate physical characteristics of a person and collect key measurements, such as blood pressure, weight, BMI, and more.


Diagnostic Blood Tests

(starting at $78)

Check for important health indicators in a person's blood like sugar level, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function.


Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

DOT and non-DOT physicals are available in Palmdale to meet the needs of all industries.


Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Respiratory screenings can include respirator fit tests, pulmonary function tests, EKGs, and x-rays.


Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Diagnose tuberculosis infections using PPD skin tests, Oxford T-Spot tests, or chest x-rays.



(starting at $229)

Vaccines are available for varicella (Chickenpox), MMR, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B.


Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Ensure employees can safely perform their jobs with four different vision tests and audiometric testing.


Palmdale Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

Palmdale workplace health regulations include the California Code of Regulations Hearing Conservation Program (§5097), which protects the hearing of workers with noise exposure exceeding certain limits. The program includes hearing testing at no cost to employees.
Palmdale occupational health laws include the California Code of Regulations Injury and Illness Prevention Program (§3203), which requires all employers with at least 10 employees to develop their own program to prevent injuries and illnesses. Employers must first identify hazards and what they can do to correct or eliminate them. The plan must also include communication with employees, hazard assessment and correction, training, and record keeping. Employers with fewer than 10 employees must still notify workers of safety issues, but they are allowed to do this orally without providing written communication.
Palmdale occupational health regulations include §5199 for Aerosol Transmissible Diseases, which protects employees with occupational exposure. Employers must develop a written safety plan, provide training, and supply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Palmdale workplace health laws include California Code of Regulations §5193 for Bloodborne Pathogens, which protects workers from diseases present in blood and blood components. The law requires hospital employers to offer the Hepatitis B vaccine to all employees with occupational exposure after the employee receives the required training. An exception is made for employees who already received the vaccine series or titer (antibody) testing shows an employee to have immunity against the disease. Employers must also offer influenza, MMR, and varicella vaccinations. The regulation also states that employers must ensure their workers use handwashing and appropriate personal protective equipment.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Local Information for Palmdale Occupational Testing

Employers want to maintain a safe and healthy workplace, and occupational health testing does just that. However, it's essential to understand federal, state, and Palmdale laws to protect your employees and your business. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) generally provides guidelines for occupational health testing, like who employers can test and when. California has its own OSHA-approved state plan, Cal/OSHA, that covers most private employers and all state and local government workers, with some exceptions. Employees not covered under Cal/OSHA (which are covered by federal laws instead) are maritime workers, private employers within military installations and national parks, contract workers with the United States Postal Service (USPS) mail operations, aircraft cabin crewmembers, and federal government workers.

If you're ready to ensure the health and safety of your workforce, register with Health Street today to gain access to our Palmdale occupational health services.

Why Choose Health Street's Services?

Health Street understands the importance of providing a safe and healthy workforce. We also know that all employers have their own unique needs, which is why we design our services to reach the needs of all employers. Our goal is to ensure that your employees meet the necessary clearances and certifications to carry out their jobs safely and efficiently. Our Palmdale occupational health services include vaccines, titer testing, biometrics, respiratory health exams, vision and hearing screening, diagnostic blood tests, tuberculosis (TB) testing, pre-employment health screening, employee physicals, and more. So, whether you're wondering where to get a physical for work or you're looking for employee health screening in Palmdale, we can help you with the Palmdale occupational health service you're looking for.

Our fully licensed team of experts provides high-quality services using cutting-edge technology for accurate and fast results. Our competitive pricing and comprehensive plans ensure you get the best value for the management of our workplace occupational health services. We strive for customer service that exceeds your expectations. Our process is stress-free, and our team guides you each step of the way, from the time you register until you receive your comprehensive results.

If you're ready to take the next step in ensuring the health and safety of your business, register with Health Street today to select your Palmdale occupational health services.

Related Employment Screening Services

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