Occupational Health Tests – Lancaster, CA

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Employers operating in Lancaster, CA need workplace occupational health services they can count on to comply with industry-relevant labor laws and regulations as well as effectively identify and prevent workplace hazards. With a mission to help employers, Health Street offers a long list of pre-employment health screenings employers can use no matter what industry they fall under.

With several Health Street clinics in Lancaster and surrounding areas, employers have easy access to a variety of pre-employment health screenings and general occupational health tests. Some of the many Lancaster occupational health services Health Street has to offer include hearing and vision screenings, biometric health exams, TB testing, vaccination services, and employee physicals.

Registering for occupational health testing in Lancaster, CA is easy. Simply enter your ZIP code, choose a clinic, and register online. Occupational health tests can also be scheduled via phone by calling (661) 276-9010.

Occupational Health Testing in Lancaster, CA

Antibody Tests

(starting at $149)

Determine if a person has immunity to a specific disease, such as hepatitis, varicella (Chickenpox), or MMR.



(starting at $75)

Evaluate physical characteristics of a person and collect key measurements, such as blood pressure, weight, BMI, and more.


Diagnostic Blood Tests

(starting at $78)

Check for important health indicators in a person's blood like sugar level, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function.


Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

DOT and non-DOT physicals are available in Lancaster to meet the needs of all industries.


Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Respiratory screenings can include respirator fit tests, pulmonary function tests, EKGs, and x-rays.


Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Diagnose tuberculosis infections using PPD skin tests, Oxford T-Spot tests, or chest x-rays.



(starting at $229)

Vaccines are available for varicella (Chickenpox), MMR, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B.


Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Ensure employees can safely perform their jobs with four different vision tests and audiometric testing.


Lancaster Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

According to California Labor Code Section 222.5, Lancaster employers are prohibited from withholding or deducting employee compensation to cover the costs of any pre-employment health screenings or physical examinations. These services often include hearing and vision screenings and employee physicals, both of which must be covered by the employer if required as part of the pre-employment screening process.
Under the California OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Diseases standard, healthcare employers in Lancaster are required to provide vaccination services to workers who are at risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure. Required vaccination service offerings include hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), varicella (chicken pox) and diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (whooping cough).
In accordance with California Code of Regulation Title 22 Section 78429, general acute care hospital employees are required to undergo a tuberculosis screening within one week of job placement. Tuberculosis screenings must then be conducted annually for Lancaster employees with a documented negative test, and a respiratory health examination that includes a chest x-ray must be provided for employees who have a previous positive result.
In reference to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR), Lancaster employees who are required to hold a commercial driver's license (CDL) will first need to meet the necessary medical standards required to hold one. This licensing process will require the use of a medical examination that includes an employee physical, a hearing and vision screening, and a urinalysis drug test.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Why Choose Health Street's Services?

Law enforcement, chemical and petrochemical, and transportation are some of the many job industries where employers require quality pre-employment health screening services. With Health Street's Lancaster occupational health services, employers can gain the information they need to support a safe work environment and effectively comply with state and federal labor regulations.

No matter the industry a California employer falls under, Health Street offers a Lancaster workplace health service right for them. At Health Street, our extensive workplace occupational health services include but are not limited to employee physicals, respiratory health exams, tuberculosis testing, hearing and vision screenings, and comprehensive biometrics exams.

Health Street workplace occupational health services were designed with employers' best interests in mind. This is why we offer some of the best-priced services in the industry across each of our clinic locations. Our cost-effective service packages also save employers time and effort by allowing them to bundle a variety of occupational services and check off multiple needs in a single visit.

We also combine affordability with reliability. Each clinic is staffed with the industry professionals who are licensed and trained in administering our collection of Lancaster occupational health service screenings. Our lab experts also use some of the best screening technology found across the industry, ensuring both fast and highly accurate results each time.

Want to book an appointment or learn more about an employee health screening in Lancaster? Locate your nearest clinic location and speak with one of our experts to learn more, or use our easy-to-navigate online portal to secure your appointment today!

Local Information for Lancaster Occupational Testing

Back in 1973, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved a state plan for California, which has now become the largest OSHA-approved state plan across the country. This state plan approval also helped develop Cal/OSHA, the state division responsible for setting and enforcing Lancaster occupational health and safety standards.

Through Cal/OSHA, Lancaster employers can access many occupational health and safety resources to streamline compliance requirements and boost workplace safety. For instance, Cal/OSHA Consultation Services can help employers enhance their Lancaster workplace health protocol through on-site visits.

During on-site visits, Cal/OSHA officials will help identify workplace hazards and provide recommendations to help avoid costly violations. If any recommendations involving your Lancaster workplace health include the use of occupational health testing services, be sure to turn to Health Street and set up an appointment at your earliest convenience today!

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:

California Background Check for businesses hiring staff in Lancaster, CA


"Article 1. General Occupations [200 - 244] -222.5." California Legislative Information, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=222.5.&lawCode=LAB
"Immunization and Immunity Testing Recommendations for California Healthcare Personnel and Health Science Students." California Department of Public Health, https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/CDPH%20Document%20Library/Immunization/HCWIZRecs.pdf
"California Tuberculosis (TB) Testing Regulations for Health Care Facilities - General Acute Care Hospital (GACH)." California Department of Public Health, https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CHCQ/LCP/Pages/California-TB-Testing-Regulations.aspx#
"COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY & EXAMS." California DMV, https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-licenses-identification-cards/commercial-driver-licenses-cdl/commercial-driver-license-medical-eligibility-exams/
"Cal/OSHA." California Department of Industrial Relations, https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/
"Cal/OSHA - Consultation Service Area Offices." California Department of Industrial Relations, https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/consultation_offices.html