Occupational Health Tests – Corpus Christi, TX

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In Corpus Christi, TX, some employers may require their staff to get certain occupational health tests to ensure that they can safely perform their jobs. Workplace testing often includes employment physicals, antibody tests, biometrics, diagnostic blood tests, respiratory health tests, tuberculosis (TB) tests, vaccines, or vision and hearing tests.

Health Street provides occupational health testing for many industries during the application phase, when employees return to work after an extended absence, after workplace incidents occur, and as part of a routine screening process. Identify dangers that could affect the wellbeing of staff or customers, and reduce the risk of illness or disease by scheduling an occupational health test at one of our professional clinics.

Registering for occupational health testing in Corpus Christi, TX is easy. Simply enter your ZIP code, choose a clinic, and register online. Occupational health tests can also be scheduled via phone by calling (361) 209-7995.

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Occupational Health Testing in Corpus Christi, TX

Antibody Tests

(starting at $149)

Determine if a person has immunity to a specific disease, such as hepatitis, varicella (Chickenpox), or MMR.



(starting at $75)

Evaluate physical characteristics of a person and collect key measurements, such as blood pressure, weight, BMI, and more.


Diagnostic Blood Tests

(starting at $78)

Check for important health indicators in a person's blood like sugar level, electrolytes, and kidney and liver function.


Employment Physicals

(starting at $125)

DOT and non-DOT physicals are available in Corpus Christi to meet the needs of all industries.


Respiratory Health

(starting at $80)

Respiratory screenings can include respirator fit tests, pulmonary function tests, EKGs, and x-rays.


Tuberculosis (TB)

(starting at $125)

Diagnose tuberculosis infections using PPD skin tests, Oxford T-Spot tests, or chest x-rays.



(starting at $229)

Vaccines are available for varicella (Chickenpox), MMR, tetanus, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B.


Vision & Hearing

(starting at $75)

Ensure employees can safely perform their jobs with four different vision tests and audiometric testing.


Corpus Christi Occupational Health Laws, Acts, and Legislation

Corpus Christi workplace health laws include the Texas Hazard Communication Act, which requires employers to provide information, personal protective equipment, and proper training to employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Employees must have access to information about the chemicals they may be exposed to during normal working activities, during emergency situations, or because of their proximity during manufacturing.
Corpus Christi occupational health laws include Texas Health and Safety Code Title 2, Subtitle D, Chapter 81, which requires employers to follow regulations to take the steps necessary to prevent and control communicable diseases.
Texas Health and Safety Code Title 4, Subtitle B, Chapter 256, Sec. 256.001 requires hospital and nursing home employers to develop and implement a policy regarding the safe handling and movement of patients. The policy must protect both employees and patients, while patients are being lifted, repositioned, transferred, or moved. The policy must analyze the risk of injury to both patients and workers, provide employee education, and evaluate alternative ways to handle patients with reduced risk. The report must be submitted annually to a governing body.
Corpus Christi workplace health laws require some commercial driver's license holders to undergo a physical exam and obtain a Medical Examiner's Certificate.
Corpus Christi workplace health regulations require Corpus Christi firefighter applicants to receive a physical medical examination, psychological evaluation, background check, and physical ability test as a condition of employment.
Workplace occupational health guidelines require applicants for the Corpus Christi Police Department to undergo a background check, drug testing, polygraph test, psychological evaluation, and physical medical exam.
25 Tex. Admin. Code § 96.202 states that healthcare employers must offer the Hepatitis B vaccine series to all employees with occupational exposure.
25 Tex. Admin. Code §1.702 requires healthcare employers to develop policies regarding vaccine-preventable diseases. Employers must develop, implement, and enforce their policies to protect their employees. The policy must enforce vaccinations among at-risk employees, specify which vaccines are covered, and develop procedures to verify an employee is compliant with the policy.
The information provided on this page is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used in place of legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

Local information for Corpus Christi Occupational Testing

Workplace occupational health plans are crucial for employers to protect the health and safety of their workers and remain compliant with occupational health laws. Employees are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace, with no recognizable hazards, and it's the employer's job to ensure their safety. In Corpus Christi, occupational health services include proper job education and training, antibody testing (titer testing), vaccinations, employment physicals, respiratory health exams, tuberculosis (TB) testing, TB skin tests, and vision and hearing screening. Workplace occupational health regulations also require employers to remove identifiable hazards when possible and provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect workers.

Since Texas does not have its own occupational safety and health state plan, Corpus Christi occupational health guidelines are enforced by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which covers private-sector employers, with some exceptions. OSHA enforces the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which was established to ensure safe workplaces for employees. Employers must become familiar with Corpus Christi workplace health laws as well as federal legislation, including OSHA regulations.

Clinic Locations

Click on a clinic below to register for occupational health services in Corpus Christi, Texas.

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