Wyoming Titer Testing

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Some Wyoming employers require antibody testing, also known as titer testing, as part of their pre-employment screening process. Existing employees may also be tested periodically as part of the process to ensure safety in the workplace, especially for industries such as healthcare or education. Titer testing is the first step to determining if someone is immune to certain diseases, such as varicella (Chickenpox), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, measles, mumps, rubella, or COVID-19. If the antibody test indicates that an individual is not immune, Health Street can also provide services for vaccines and immunizations.

To register online for a titer test in Wyoming, simply click the "Register Now" button below. To schedule via phone or to contact us with questions regarding your antibody testing services, please reach us at (888) 378-2499.

Choose an Antibody Test in Wyoming

Assess a person's immunity to infectious diseases with the antibody testing options provided by Health Street in Wyoming. Find the right test for you below.

Hepatitis A Antibody Test

(starting at $179)

Assess hepatitis A immunity.


Hepatitis B Antibody Test

(starting at $199)

Determine immunity to hepatitis B.


Hepatitis C Antibody Test

(starting at $219)

Evaluate immunity to hepatitis C.


Triple Hepatitis Package

(starting at $549)

Test for immunity to hepatitis A, B, and C in one go.


MMR Titer

(starting at $249)

Check immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.


Varicella Titer

(starting at $189)

Confirm immunity to Chickenpox (varicella virus).


Triple Antibody Package

(starting at $595)

Detect antibodies for hepatitis B, MMR, and varicella.


Total Antibody Package

(starting at $895)

Comprehensive antibody testing for hepatitis A, B, C, MMR, and varicella.


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Overview of Wyoming Regulations

Wyoming Antibody Testing Regulations

The state of Wyoming does not require any vaccinations for adults and there are no Wyoming antibody test regulations on record. However, the Wyoming Department of Health refers to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) recommendations regarding immunizations for adults aged 19 and older. This includes (but is not limited to) an annual vaccination against seasonal influenza and a Tdap or Td booster every 10 years.

Wyoming also does not mandate vaccinations for college students. However, each institution has the right to set its own requirements. Some Wyoming colleges and universities require proof of vaccination against COVID-19, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, tuberculosis, whooping cough, meningitis, and influenza. Others only require the MMR vaccination, while still others simply recommend vaccinations but do not require proof. Students should consult with their college or university to confirm the current requirements.

Many of the institutions that require vaccinations will also accept a titer (antibody) test that demonstrates an immunity to certain diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chickenpox). In this case, a positive titer test indicating immunity would exempt the student from vaccination.

In November of 2021, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed House Bill 1002 into law, prohibiting the enforcement of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates. On December 3, 2021, the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services issued a message to Wyoming employers stating that employers did not need to follow the federal OSHA's emergency temporary standard to remain in compliance with Wyoming OSHA. It also stated that employers are not required to follow the federal COVID-19 vaccination requirement for healthcare workers.

It has been confirmed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that COVID-19 antibody testing as a condition of employment is not permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For this reason, there are currently no federal or Wyoming antibody test regulations for COVID-19.

Since the COVID-19 landscape is changing rapidly, employers are encouraged to do further research and consider consulting with a legal professional before taking any action regarding COVID-19 vaccines and/or testing.

Wyoming Antibody Industry Regulations

There are currently no statewide vaccination laws or Wyoming titer test regulations for healthcare workers or employees working in any industry within the state.

Relevant Wyoming Laws, Acts, and Legislation

HB1002 – prohibits the enforcement of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Wyoming require you to test?

The state of Wyoming does not require vaccinations for any adults regardless of profession, and there are no Wyoming titer test requirements for any disease. The state also prohibits the enforcement of federal COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

What does a positive titer test mean?

A positive titer test indicates that an individual has sufficient antibodies to indicate immunity to a specific disease. Since the person is immune to the disease, vaccination is not necessary.

Why are antibody tests (titer tests) important?

In situations where a vaccine is required, an individual with a positive titer test for the disease may be exempt. This can help individuals avoid receiving unnecessary vaccinations.

What is an antibody titer score?

To produce an antibody titer score, a person's serum is diluted and then retested for antibodies. If antibodies can still be detected, then the serum is diluted and then tested again. This process is repeated until the person's serum has been diluted as much as possible, but the presence of antibodies can still be detected.

What do titer tests test for?

A titer test is a blood test that is used to detect the presence of antibodies in the blood. The purpose of a titer test is to determine if a person has immunity against certain diseases. These results can be used to provide employers with proof of immunity, or to determine if a person needs to receive a certain vaccine.
