South Dakota Titer Testing

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Some South Dakota employers require antibody testing, also known as titer testing, as part of their pre-employment screening process. Existing employees may also be tested periodically as part of the process to ensure safety in the workplace, especially for industries such as healthcare or education. Titer testing is the first step to determining if someone is immune to certain diseases, such as varicella (Chickenpox), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, measles, mumps, rubella, or COVID-19. If the antibody test indicates that an individual is not immune, Health Street can also provide services for vaccines and immunizations.

To register online for a titer test in South Dakota, simply click the "Register Now" button below. To schedule via phone or to contact us with questions regarding your antibody testing services, please reach us at (888) 378-2499.

Choose an Antibody Test in South Dakota

Assess a person's immunity to infectious diseases with the antibody testing options provided by Health Street in South Dakota. Find the right test for you below.

Hepatitis A Antibody Test

(starting at $179)

Assess hepatitis A immunity.


Hepatitis B Antibody Test

(starting at $199)

Determine immunity to hepatitis B.


Hepatitis C Antibody Test

(starting at $219)

Evaluate immunity to hepatitis C.


Triple Hepatitis Package

(starting at $549)

Test for immunity to hepatitis A, B, and C in one go.


MMR Titer

(starting at $249)

Check immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.


Varicella Titer

(starting at $189)

Confirm immunity to Chickenpox (varicella virus).


Triple Antibody Package

(starting at $595)

Detect antibodies for hepatitis B, MMR, and varicella.


Total Antibody Package

(starting at $895)

Comprehensive antibody testing for hepatitis A, B, C, MMR, and varicella.


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Overview of South Dakota Regulations

South Dakota Antibody Testing Regulations

When a South Dakota titer test comes back positive, it means that certain antibodies detected in a blood sample have surpassed a set value, which signals immunity against infectious pathogens such as measles and mumps. Antibodies are produced by the body's immune system from previous vaccination or prior infection.

Currently, there are no South Dakota titer test regulations that mandate the general testing of its residents. However, it's important to understand that certain employees within the state of South Dakota may be required to meet immunization requirements. Immunization requirements are commonly mandated for employees who work around high-risk individuals, such as those belonging to the healthcare industry.

Whether you are an employer or employee, you must refer to your specific workplace policy as well as South Dakota antibody test regulations and vaccination laws to better understand the immunization requirements you may face. In certain instances, a South Dakota titer test can be used to demonstrate immunity against specific diseases to avoid the need for unnecessary vaccinations.

South Dakota Antibody Industry Regulations

While titer testing isn't mandated for its residents, the state may require certain job industries to enforce immunization requirements where South Dakota titer testing can be used. Employee immunization requirements are commonly found in the healthcare industry and pertain to employees who are at high risk of infection, such as those working around blood and bodily fluids.

For example, the state of South Dakota passed Executive Order 2014-11 to establish a mandatory influenza vaccination policy for certain employee types. According to this order, employees must be vaccinated against the influenza virus by December 1 of each year to remain in compliance. Employee types covered under this mandate include state-employed healthcare employees who work with patients in a healthcare facility or in an at-home setting.

Outside of the influenza vaccination policy mentioned, employees do not face any additional South Dakota antibody or vaccination requirements. However, as we continue to navigate the changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important for all employee types to keep up with current state laws and regulations as well as changing workplace policies.

Relevant South Dakota Laws, Acts, and Legislation

Influenza Vaccination Policy for Specific State Personnel: An executive order passed by the state of South Dakota back in 2014 to establish a mandatory influenza vaccination program for specific state personnel, including healthcare workers dealing with inmates, clients, or patients in various healthcare settings.
South Dakota Department of Health Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Management: A guide supplied by the South Dakota Department of Health which outlines various rules and procedures that must be taken after an employee bloodborne pathogen exposure event, including a requirement for employers to provide hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV vaccination and/or South Dakota titer testing resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do titer tests test for?

A South Dakota titer test measures the number of antibodies produced by the immune system from prior vaccination or infection of a variety of infectious pathogens including measles, mumps, and varicella-zoster (chickenpox).

Why are antibody tests (titer tests) important?

South Dakota antibody tests are a vital health tool that provides details of individual immunity levels against various infectious diseases such as hepatitis B. Test results can also be used to determine if further vaccination is necessary.

What is an antibody titer score?

To produce an antibody titer score, a person's serum is diluted and then retested for antibodies. If antibodies can still be detected, then the serum is diluted and then tested again. This process is repeated until the person's serum has been diluted as much as possible, but the presence of antibodies can still be detected.

What does a positive titer test mean?

If titer test results show that a person is positive, this may indicate that the individual has previously been infected with the disease or vaccinated against it. The individual may be presumed to have immunity against that specific disease, and vaccination may not be required at this time.
