Nebraska Titer Testing

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Some Nebraska employers require antibody testing, also known as titer testing, as part of their pre-employment screening process. Existing employees may also be tested periodically as part of the process to ensure safety in the workplace, especially for industries such as healthcare or education. Titer testing is the first step to determining if someone is immune to certain diseases, such as varicella (Chickenpox), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, measles, mumps, rubella, or COVID-19. If the antibody test indicates that an individual is not immune, Health Street can also provide services for vaccines and immunizations.

To register online for a titer test in Nebraska, simply click the "Register Now" button below. To schedule via phone or to contact us with questions regarding your antibody testing services, please reach us at (888) 378-2499.

Choose an Antibody Test in Nebraska

Assess a person's immunity to infectious diseases with the antibody testing options provided by Health Street in Nebraska. Find the right test for you below.

Hepatitis A Antibody Test

(starting at $179)

Assess hepatitis A immunity.


Hepatitis B Antibody Test

(starting at $199)

Determine immunity to hepatitis B.


Hepatitis C Antibody Test

(starting at $219)

Evaluate immunity to hepatitis C.


Triple Hepatitis Package

(starting at $549)

Test for immunity to hepatitis A, B, and C in one go.


MMR Titer

(starting at $249)

Check immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.


Varicella Titer

(starting at $189)

Confirm immunity to Chickenpox (varicella virus).


Triple Antibody Package

(starting at $595)

Detect antibodies for hepatitis B, MMR, and varicella.


Total Antibody Package

(starting at $895)

Comprehensive antibody testing for hepatitis A, B, C, MMR, and varicella.


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Overview of Nebraska Regulations

Nebraska Antibody Industry Regulations

Nebraska antibody test regulations and vaccination laws do not generally require titer testing or vaccination, with the exception of hospital workers. Nebraska hospital workers are required to be vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap), and also to receive the annual influenza vaccine. Hospital workers in Nebraska have the option to decline these vaccinations. If an employee declines vaccination, titer testing can be used to test that employee's immunity to a certain disease.

Nebraska does not require healthcare workers to receive hepatitis B, varicella, and pneumococcal vaccines.

Relevant Nebraska Laws, Acts, and Legislation

Nebraska Revised Statute 71-467: Nebraska requires all hospital employees to be vaccinated against influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap). However, employees can opt out of receiving these vaccines.
General acute care hospitals in Nebraska must offer the annual influenza vaccine on-site to all employees.
Hospitals must offer the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine to employees that have not received it.
Nebraska does not require healthcare workers to receive vaccination against hepatitis, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and pneumococcal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Nebraska require you to titer test?

Nebraska titer test regulations and vaccination laws do not require titer testing or vaccinations, with few exceptions for hospital workers. Since vaccinations are not generally required in Nebraska, titer tests should be considered to ensure immunity to contagious diseases in the workplace.

What is different from the federal regulations?

Nebraska antibody test regulations and vaccination laws only require certain vaccinations for hospital workers. However, all employers must consider federal guidelines.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend vaccines for all healthcare workers. These vaccines include hepatitis, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap), measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella, and meningitis. In addition, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that all employees at high risk for communicable disease be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

What does a positive titer test mean?

A positive titer test means that an individual has antibodies present in the blood, indicating immunity to that disease. In Nebraska, if an employee has a negative titer test, vaccination against that disease should be considered.

Why are antibody tests (titer tests) important?

In Nebraska, titer tests are important to determine immunity in the workplace since vaccinations are not generally required in most industries. Nebraska employers can ensure a safe work environment if their employees have immunity to contagious diseases.

What do titer tests test for?

Titer tests analyze the blood for the presence of antibodies to certain contagious diseases. Available titer tests include MMR, Tdap, hepatitis, varicella, pneumococcal, meningitis, influenza, and COVID-19. In Nebraska, titer tests can be used to show immunity to these diseases among employees.

How much do antibody tests cost?

The cost of Nebraska antibody tests varies depending on the lab and which antibodies are being tested for. One single test can range from $100-$200. Some testing sites offer packages for multiple tests at a discounted price.

How long are titer tests good for?

Titer test results are records of whether a person has tested positive or negative for immunity against certain diseases. Depending on the type of disease, some employers may require employees to periodically test for antibodies, and may require employees to receive certain vaccinations before they are permitted to work. The frequency of testing depends on many factors, including the industry and the type of disease or vaccine. For more information about specific diseases and the recommended vaccine schedule, try taking a look at our Vaccines & Immunizations page.
