Oklahoma Marijuana Compliance

Though state law currently does not allow the use of recreational marijuana, the consumption, sale, and possession of medicinal marijuana are legal in the state of Oklahoma. In 2018, voters approved the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative which legalized the consumption and sale of marijuana for registered patients with a qualifying condition.

Oklahoma marijuana law states that no employer may refuse to hire or discharge an applicant or employee solely on the basis of a positive marijuana test if the individual is a registered medical marijuana patient. However, they are not required to accommodate employees who are medical marijuana users and can prohibit the use of medical marijuana in the workplace and during work hours as part of their drug-free workplace program.

To register for a drug test, simply sign up using the button below. To register via phone, or if you have any questions, we can be reached at (888) 378-2499.

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This Information Is Not Intended for Legal Purposes

The information provided on this page is intended for your own knowledge, and should not be used for legal matters. Since marijuana testing regulations can vary, we advise you to seek the guidance of expert legal counsel when creating your company's substance abuse screening program.

Oklahoma Marijuana Compliance

Oklahoma Marijuana Laws

Overall Status: Partially Legal

Under current Oklahoma marijuana compliance, the state currently has no recreational marijuana laws that allow the general adult use of marijuana. However, in 2018, Oklahoma voters passed the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, which legalized the use of medicinal marijuana. A resident must be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition and receive a medical marijuana treatment recommendation from a physician to register with this program.

Medical Marijuana: Legal

In 2018, voters in the state of Oklahoma passed the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative to legalize the consumption, sale, and possession of medical marijuana. Under the Oklahoma marijuana law, a physician must diagnose a patient with a qualifying condition and provide a medicinal marijuana treatment recommendation for them to receive medical marijuana.

Health conditions that qualify for a medical marijuana card include anxiety, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and neuropathic pain disorders. Oklahoma marijuana compliance law also states that employers may not refuse employment or discharge a current employee for their medical marijuana patient status or from the result of a marijuana positive drug test.

Decriminalized: No

Although the state of Oklahoma passed legislation to create a medical marijuana program in 2018, marijuana has not been decriminalized for general users. Under current Oklahoma compliance law, first-time offenders found in possession of any marijuana amount can face a misdemeanor charge with a punishment of up to a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine. These laws do not pertain to individuals who are Oklahoma medicinal marijuana patients.

Recreational Marijuana: Illegal

While the state of Oklahoma enforces legislation to legalize the consumption, sale, and possession of medicinal marijuana, no recreational marijuana laws have been passed to date. If an individual who is not a registered medical marijuana patient is found in possession of marijuana, they can face misdemeanor charges and possible jail time, and a fine of up to $1,000.

Last updated 1/16/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Is marijuana legal in Oklahoma?

While the use and sale of recreational marijuana is considered illegal under current Oklahoma marijuana law, the state established a medical marijuana program in 2018 to legalize medicinal marijuana for qualifying patients.

What is Oklahoma's history with marijuana?

Back in 2018, Oklahoma voters passed the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, which legalized the consumption, sale, and possession of medical marijuana for qualifying patients who received a treatment recommendation from a registered physician.

What is the punishment for possession in Oklahoma?

First-time Oklahoma offenders who are not registered medical marijuana patients found in possession of any marijuana amount can face a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana

Urine Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing

Some of the popular drug panels that remove marijuana testing are listed below:

Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that exclude marijuana, where you'll find a complete list of drug tests that do not include THC testing under the "Exclude Marijuana" section.

Hair Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing

Two of our popular hair tests allow for the option to exclude marijuana from the panel of substances being tested. These include:

For a complete list of our hair drug tests, take a look at our comprehensive list of hair tests.

Drug Panels That Include Marijuana

Urine Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing

Many of our testing options include marijuana testing. Below are some of the most popular urine drug tests including marijuana:

Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that include marijuana.

Hair Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing

Our variety of hair drug tests include many options for marijuana testing. Some of the most commonly ordered hair drug tests are:

A comprehensive list of the hair drug tests that we offer can be found here.
