North Dakota Marijuana Compliance
When it comes to North Dakota marijuana laws, legalization can be described as half-and-half. State voters passed the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act in 2016, which legalized the consumption and sale of medicinal marijuana for qualifying patients throughout the state. However, in North Dakota, recreational marijuana remains illegal—though possession of a small amount, for a first offender, is a criminal infraction.
Though medical marijuana is legal in North Dakota, there are no current employee drug testing laws that prevent employers from conducting drug screenings, regardless of marijuana patient status.
To register for a drug test, simply sign up using the button below. To register via phone, or if you have any questions, we can be reached at (888) 378-2499.

This Information Is Not Intended for Legal Purposes
The information provided on this page is intended for your own knowledge, and should not be used for legal matters. Since marijuana testing regulations can vary, we advise you to seek the guidance of expert legal counsel when creating your company's substance abuse screening program.
North Dakota Marijuana Compliance
North Dakota Marijuana Laws
Overall Status: Partially Legal
Under current North Dakota marijuana compliance law, the consumption, sale, and possession of marijuana for recreational purposes is strictly prohibited. However, voters passed the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act in 2016, which established a medicinal marijuana program for patients with qualifying conditions. Additional North Dakota marijuana compliance laws were passed in 2019 to partially decriminalize marijuana possession and reduce penalties for first-time offenders.
Medical Marijuana: Legal
In 2016, North Dakota voters passed a measure called the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act to establish a medical marijuana program within the state. Under this program, patients who have been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition by a registered physician may apply to receive their medical marijuana card.
Qualifying conditions under the program include cancer, AIDS/HIV, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 2019, North Dakota passed HB 1519 to expand on the list of medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana.
Decriminalized: Partially
In 2019, adjustments were made to North Dakota marijuana laws to partially decriminalize marijuana possession within the state. Previously, possessing a half-ounce or less of marijuana was viewed as a misdemeanor charge that was punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Now, under House Bill 1050, marijuana possession offenses of a half-ounce or less have been reclassified as a civil infraction and are only punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and no jail time.
Recreational Marijuana: Illegal
Under current North Dakota marijuana compliance law, the consumption, sale, and possession of marijuana are only legal for medical purposes. Since there are no recreational marijuana laws enforced, North Dakota residents face a civil penalty fine of up to $1,000 if found in possession of a half-ounce or less of marijuana. A lack of recreational marijuana laws creates minimal restrictions for North Dakota employers who wish to test applicants and employees for marijuana consumption.
Last updated 1/16/2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Is marijuana legal in North Dakota?
Under North Dakota marijuana compliance law, the consumption and sale of marijuana is legal for medical purposes only. Regardless of medical marijuana patient status, a North Dakota employer may still request marijuana drug testing from employees and applicants.
What is North Dakota's history with marijuana?
In 2016, voters passed the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act which established a medical marijuana program for patients who have been diagnosed by a physician with a qualifying chronic condition.
What is the punishment for possession in North Dakota?
House Bill 1050 partially decriminalized marijuana possession in 2019 and now classifies half-ounce or less marijuana possession as a civil infraction that's punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and no jail time.
Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana
Urine Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing
Some of the popular drug panels that remove marijuana testing are listed below:
Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that exclude marijuana, where you'll find a complete list of drug tests that do not include THC testing under the "Exclude Marijuana" section.
Hair Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing
Two of our popular hair tests allow for the option to exclude marijuana from the panel of substances being tested. These include:
For a complete list of our hair drug tests, take a look at our comprehensive list of hair tests.
Drug Panels That Include Marijuana
Urine Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing
Many of our testing options include marijuana testing. Below are some of the most popular urine drug tests including marijuana:
Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that include marijuana.
Hair Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing
Our variety of hair drug tests include many options for marijuana testing. Some of the most commonly ordered hair drug tests are:
A comprehensive list of the hair drug tests that we offer can be found here.