Maine Marijuana Compliance

Much like the neighboring states of New York and Vermont, the consumption, sale, and possession of both recreational and medicinal marijuana are legal within the state of Maine. Under current Maine marijuana compliance law, adult residents 21 years or older are able to legally purchase marijuana from state-licensed dispensaries.

For employers who wish to conduct employee and applicant drug testing, note that Maine marijuana law states that employers may not refuse employment or otherwise penalize an employee 21 years of age or older solely for consuming marijuana outside of the workplace.

Register for a drug test online by clicking the "Register Now" button below. You can also call (888) 378-2499 with any questions about our drug testing services.

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This Information Is Not Intended for Legal Purposes

The information provided on this page is intended for your own knowledge, and should not be used for legal matters. Since marijuana testing regulations can vary, we advise you to seek the guidance of expert legal counsel when creating your company's substance abuse screening program.

Maine Marijuana Compliance

Maine Marijuana Laws

Overall Status: Fully Legal

Under current Maine marijuana compliance law, the consumption, sale, and possession of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes is fully legal. Maine residents first voted on medical marijuana when it was legalized for patients suffering from serious health conditions all the way back in 1999.

Maine marijuana laws continued to expand for years to come, eventually creating the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program in 2009 and full marijuana legalization in 2016. With full marijuana legalization, Maine labor laws now prohibit employers from refusing employment or penalizing current adult employees for the use of marijuana outside of the workplace.

Medical Marijuana: Legal

In 1999, Maine residents voted on and passed a medical marijuana initiative that legalized the possession and use of cannabis for patients suffering from certain debilitating health conditions. Roughly a decade later, voters then passed the Maine Medical Marijuana Act, which expanded pre-existing medical marijuana laws to add more qualifying patient conditions and decriminalize the possession of up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana for patients. The Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program was also established under this act to help navigate statewide medical marijuana efforts such as licensing cultivators and local dispensaries.

Decriminalized: Yes

Though many states across the country have yet to decriminalize marijuana to any degree, the state of Maine began its efforts to decriminalize marijuana possession back in 1975. Original law stated that an individual found in possession of marijuana for purposes of personal use was given a civil violation citation and a $200 fine rather than jail time.

Fast forward several decades later, and modern Maine marijuana compliance law now permits the consumption and sale of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes which fully decriminalizes adult marijuana possession.

Recreational Marijuana: Legal

In November 2016, Maine voters passed An Act to Legalize Marijuana which established recreational marijuana laws that allow individuals 21 years or older to consume, possess, and purchase marijuana. Under Maine marijuana law, recreational marijuana consumers are allowed to consume and possess 2.5 ounces of raw marijuana and up to 5 grams of marijuana concentrate.

Last updated 1/15/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Is marijuana legal in Maine?

Maine marijuana law views the consumption and sale of marijuana for both recreational and medical purposes as completely legal. Employers who wish to conduct drug testing may not refuse employment or penalize employees for consuming marijuana outside the workplace.

Are there any unique laws about marijuana in Maine?

While many states across the country have yet to begin decriminalizing marijuana, Maine passed laws in 1975 that partially decriminalized the possession of marijuana for personal use and only held a maximum civil fine of $200.

What is Maine's history with marijuana?

Maine voters first passed a medical marijuana initiative in 1999 that legalized the use of marijuana for patients suffering from certain debilitating conditions. In 2016, Maine voters passed legislation that fully legalized recreational marijuana for adult users.

Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana

Urine Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing

Some of the popular drug panels that remove marijuana testing are listed below:

Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that exclude marijuana, where you'll find a complete list of drug tests that do not include THC testing under the "Exclude Marijuana" section.

Hair Drug Panels That Exclude Marijuana Testing

Two of our popular hair tests allow for the option to exclude marijuana from the panel of substances being tested. These include:

For a complete list of our hair drug tests, take a look at our comprehensive list of hair tests.

Drug Panels That Include Marijuana

Urine Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing

Many of our testing options include marijuana testing. Below are some of the most popular urine drug tests including marijuana:

Also try taking a look at our comprehensive list of urine drug tests that include marijuana.

Hair Drug Panels That Include Marijuana Testing

Our variety of hair drug tests include many options for marijuana testing. Some of the most commonly ordered hair drug tests are:

A comprehensive list of the hair drug tests that we offer can be found here.
