Drug Test - Somerset, PA

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Health Street's 2 drug and alcohol testing clinics in Somerset, Pennsylvania provide comprehensive pre-employment drug screening services. Call (814) 436-3334 or register online for drug testing services. Drug and alcohol testing options include DOT and non-DOT urine drug tests, breath alcohol tests, EtG alcohol tests, and hair drug testing.

Register for a urine or hair drug test at one of our drug testing centers for your employees, yourself, or another person. Just choose your test and pick a location. A registration barcode will be sent to the person you specify. A map will accompany this authorization code. Test results are fast, reported securely, and stored in our online portal.

Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

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Drug Testing Services in Somerset, Pennsylvania

Somerset PA Drug Testing Locations

Get Drug Testing in Somerset, Pennsylvania Right Now

Health Street has the largest selection of drug testing and employment screening services in Somerset. Employers can access our services to set up a drug free workplace, families can get court ordered drug testing, and attorneys and private individuals can register for non-DOT drug tests, Department of Transportation (DOT) drug tests, and more.

Available Drug Testing Methods

Learn about our Hair Follicle Drug Tests
See a full list of our Urine Drug Testing services.

Popular Drug Testing Panels


Specialized Categories of Tests

For companies that don't wish to include marijuana, we have a slate of drug tests without marijuana
Choose from our Alcohol Testing options (such as breathalyzer, EtG test, or PEth blood alcohol)
Read more about our Court Ordered Drug Testing for individuals and families.

DOT Drug Testing

Learn about our DOT drug and alcohol testing services, and how your company can maintain Department of Transportation (DOT) Compliance with 46 CFR Part 40, including:


Employee Drug Testing: eResults Portal for Employers

Business users get access to the amazing StaffGlass portal. When logged in, human resources and other company executives can manage their drug testing program, including:

Register for drug screenings for reasons such as: pre-employment, random, post-accident, or reasonable suspicion.
Get fast, accurate results in a safe and secure online portal.
Find a drug test clinic in Somerset, PA or pick from our lab testing locations anywhere in the United States; you can order your test online, view results, and check status of all tests
Set up Pennsylvania Background Check and employment background screening
Register staff for Occupational Health Services
Manage eSign documents related to the testing process
Create an employee pool for random drug testing, add or remove staff, update staff employment status.
StaffGlass is backed up by world class customer service.
Call Center Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time.

Why Health Street

A Decade Plus of Experience

Health Street has provided drug tests since 2010. The first time we performed drug testing in Somerset, PA was in 2017.

Dedicated to Excellence

We are dedicated to providing a level of excellence in drug testing in Somerset that is unmatched.

Economy and Drug Use

Substance Abuse Trends and Statistics for the City of Somerset, PA

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2020 County Health Ranking report shows that Somerset County has a high rate of alcohol-impaired driving deaths, 26%, although this rate is slightly lower than Pennsylvania's rate of 27%. The excessive drinking rate in Somerset County is the same as Pennsylvania's statewide rate of 19%. Between 2016 and 2018, Somerset County had a drug overdose death rate of 76 per 100,000, placing it #34 among Pennsylvania counties.

Community Efforts to Address Drug Problems in Somerset, PA

The University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (UPMC) Somerset 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment found that illegal drug use was #1 out of the top ten health priority areas according to over 50% of community members surveyed. The next-highest health concern to survey respondents was prescription drug abuse, with 43.5% of respondents ranking it as a top health issue.

UPMC Somerset has organized community speaking engagements to inform about pain management techniques and provided occupational therapy and medication management to help reduce prescription drug misuse. UPMC has also provided illegal drug prevention education to the 11 school districts in Somerset County. UPMC also created a network of people in recovery from substance misuse called We Will Recover.

The Somerset County Single County Authority (SCA) for Drug and Alcohol Use provides case management and service coordination for people who need treatment for drug and alcohol use disorders. They also provide student assistance for students who are involved in drug abuse, along with prevention and education programs. The SCA's office is located on North Center Avenue in Somerset.

Policy Proposals or Recent Local Laws Passed Regarding Drug Use

Somerset Hospital's Twin Lakes Center sponsors a Drug-Free Communities coalition with local members representing the Somerset School District, Twin Lakes Center, the United Way, Somerset Police, and Somerset's Single County Authority (SCA) for Drug and Alcohol.

Drug-Free Communities meets on the third Thursday of each month and maintains a Facebook page for news and information. The organization has a mission of promoting healthy drug-free living for all Somerset County residents.

Notable Historical Events Related to Drug Use in Somerset, PA

Pennsylvania state police conducted a significant drug raid in March 2020 in Somerset when they seized a large amount of methamphetamine and heroin at a residence in Somerset Township. Police arrested three Somerset County residents and three Westmoreland County residents during the raid. They also seized heroin baggies stamped with the word "Baseball."

Some Somerset Neighborhoods That We Serve

Glades Pike/S Columbia Ave
Borough Center

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