Drug Test - Anderson, CA

Register Now

Health Street provides drug and alcohol testing in Anderson, California at 2 conveniently located drug testing centers. Call (530) 776-0541 or register online. Drug testing options include DOT and non-DOT urine drug tests, breath alcohol tests, EtG alcohol tests, and hair drug testing.

Whether you're drug testing your employees, yourself, or a family member, just choose your test and pick a laboratory testing location. Rest assured, a registration barcode will be sent to you immediately (or to the person you specify). A map and GPS directions will be linked to the barcode. Test results are fast, accurate, and reported securely in our online portal.

Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

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4.9 out of 5 stars (6892 reviews)

Drug Testing in Anderson, California

Get a Drug Test in Anderson, California Right Now

Health Street has the largest selection of drug testing and employment screening services in Anderson. Employers can access our services to set up a drug free workplace, families can get court ordered drug testing, and attorneys and private individuals can register for non-DOT drug tests, Department of Transportation (DOT) drug tests, and more.

Available Drug Testing Methods

Learn about our Hair Follicle Drug Tests
See a full list of our Urine Drug Testing services.

Popular Drug Testing Panels


Specialized Categories of Tests

For companies that don't wish to include marijuana, we have a slate of drug tests without marijuana
Choose from our Alcohol Testing options (such as breathalyzer, EtG test, or PEth blood alcohol)
Read more about our Court Ordered Drug Testing for individuals and families.

DOT Drug Testing in Anderson, California

Learn about our DOT drug and alcohol testing services, and how your company can maintain Department of Transportation (DOT) Compliance with 46 CFR Part 40, including:


Employee Drug Testing: eResults Portal for Employers

Business users get access to the amazing StaffGlass eResults portal. When logged in, human resources and other company executives can manage their drug testing program, including:

Register for drug screenings for reasons such as: pre-employment, random, post-accident, or reasonable suspicion.
Get fast, accurate results in a safe and secure online portal.
Find a drug test clinic in Anderson, CA or pick from our lab testing locations anywhere in the United States; you can order your test online, view results, and check status of all tests
Set up California Background Check and employment background screening
Register staff for Occupational Health Services
Manage eSign documents related to the testing process
Set up a DOT random pool, add or remove drivers, and easily update their employment status.
The StaffGlass eResults Portal is backed up by world class customer service.

Live support from our U.S. based Call Center is available: Monday through Friday: 4:30 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific Time.

Why Health Street

A Decade Plus of Experience

Health Street has provided drug tests since 2010. We have provided drug and alcohol testing services for countless small and medium businesses (SMBs), large companies, individuals, and families.

Dedicated to Excellence

We are dedicated to providing a level of excellence in drug testing in Anderson that is unmatched.

Drug Information for Anderson, CA

Substance Abuse Statistics for Anderson, CA

In 2018, a total of 2,410 opioid-related drug overdose deaths were recorded in California with 1,084 of them relating to prescription opioids.
In Shasta County, the locality in which Anderson resides, opioid-related hospitalization costs alone averaged over $2.9 million per year from 2015 to 2017.
In 2017, a total of 198,560 opioid prescriptions were filled by Shasta County residents with 55% of them being hydrocodone.

Local Initiatives to Curb Substance Abuse in Anderson, CA

More than 53% of prescription pain medication abusers receive their supply from a friend or family member, most often in their own home. This statistic is the basis of Shasta County-based initiative the RX Safe program, which partners with County Health and Human Services and local law enforcement to provide a safe and discreet way to properly dispose of unwanted medications.

Anderson, CA residents can dispose of their unwanted medications at any time, any day of the week by using one of eight outdoor kiosks located across Shasta County. By securely disposing of these medications, Anderson residents can reduce the chances of them ending up in the wrong hands which reduces the overall concern of deadly overdose.

Laws and Regulations Relating to Substance Abuse in Anderson, CA

In January 2021, the state of California passed a new law to benefit Anderson residents who are struggling to locate substance abuse treatment. Prior to the new law, many residents could not have their treatment cost covered by insurance if the program lasted longer than a week. SB 855 expands on the current Health Parity Act to make it more difficult for health insurance companies to refuse and limit coverage.

Since the nationally recognized standard for substance abuse treatment is 30 days, SB 855 made it a rule in California that insurers are not permitted to limit the patient to a week of coverage and will need to cover the full 30 days. This expanded access can help ensure Anderson residents receive long-term programs that can improve treatment effectiveness.

Drug Testing Near Anderson CA

Some Anderson Neighborhoods That We Serve

Amber Ridge
Balls Ferry
Lower Deschutes
Ravenwood Estates
Spring Gulch

Employment Screening Services

Health Street offers a variety of other services, including:


"California: Opioid-Involved Deaths and Related Harms." National Institute on Drug Abuse, https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-summaries-by-state/california-opioid-involved-deaths-related-harms
"Opioid Poisoning Deaths, Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions in Shasta County." Shasta County HHSA, https://www.co.shasta.ca.us/docs/libraries/hhsa-docs/community-health-data/shasta-county-opioid-report.pdf?sfvrsn=9ebafc89_0
"RX Safe." Shasta County, https://www.co.shasta.ca.us/index/hhsa/alcohol-tobacco-drugs/substance-abuse-prevention/rxsafeshasta
"Senate Bill No. 855." California State Legislature, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB855
"Discover your Anderson neighborhood." Nextdoor, https://nextdoor.com/city/anderson--ca/