Bath Salts Drug Test (Standard) - info-hero

Bath Salts Drug Testing


Bath salts can be detected in drug tests that specifically include them as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street offers urine testing services that can identify drug use up to a week back. Although it cannot be tested in our hair drug tests, we do offer urine drug testing options that include bath salts in addition to many other substances. Tests can be scheduled by employers or individuals; just choose the location to get a drug test for bath salts and complete the registration. Then you (or whomever you specify) will receive a barcode, which should be presented at the facility when the person arrives for the bath salts drug test. Test results are fast, accurate, and reported securely in our online portal.

About Bath Salts

What Are Bath Salts?

Bath salts are synthetic (manmade) stimulants that belong to a class of drugs known as synthetic cathinones. As part of Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act, this drug is considered to be highly dangerous and has no accepted medical use. Despite its restricted classification by the Drug Enforcement Administration, bath salts are still abused by people in pursuit of the methamphetamine-like high. Bath salts are sold under names to conceal the reason for production, such as "plant food" or "glass cleaner." Infamous for producing negative psychoactive effects and causing violent behavior, bath salts have made news headlines as a culprit for gruesome attacks.

Popular Bath Salts Street Names:

Bath salts are referred to by many different street names or brand names. Some of these include:

Purple Wave
Lunar Wave
Ivory Wave
Ocean Burst
White Dove
Blue Silk
Meow Meow
White Lightning
Intended Use and Effects:

As a Schedule I controlled substance, there is no approved medical use for bath salts. Bath salts are abused by people seeking to experience a cheap high, increase sex drive, reduce social anxiety, or boost their energy. However, the use of bath salts comes with a great deal of negative side effects.

Side Effects of Bath Salts

Bath salts drug use can cause many negative effects on the body. Some of these include:

Extreme aggression or agitation
Panic attacks
Breakdown of muscle tissue
Increased heart rate
Grinding of teeth

The use of bath salts may result in death, seizures, hallucinations, addiction, violent behavior, increased body temperature resulting in kidney failure, and many other negative outcomes. Bath salts are highly addictive and dangerous, and the risks increase even more when used in combination with other drugs or alcohol.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do bath salts look like?

Depending on the type of bath salt, the color may vary. They're usually in the form of a powder or crystal, marketed as "plant food" or "bath salts," but might also take the form of a gelatin capsule.

How long do bath salts stay in your system?

How long bath salts stay in your system is dependent on several factors. Some of these include:

Frequency of use
Amount used
User's metabolism
User's age
Do bath salts show up on a drug test?

Yes, bath salts can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. The drug test that you select must specifically include bath salts as part of the panel of drugs being tested.

Why drug test for bath salts?

Bath salts are classified under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, which means that there is no approved medical use. They are known to be very highly addictive and dangerous, and may lead to violent behaviors or negative psychoactive effects. Bath salts drug testing is available through Health Street to help ensure a safe work or home environment, and possibly open the door to recovery for someone who may be at risk for addiction or death.

Bath Salts Drug Test Options

Health Street offers the following bath salts drug testing options. These tests can be ordered by both individuals and employers. Whether you're an employer seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace or an individual looking to drug test yourself or a family member, we have a drug testing solution for you.

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