Spice (K2, Synthetic Marijuana, Synthetic Weed) - info-hero

Spice (K2, Synthetic Marijuana, Synthetic Weed)


Spice can be identified in drug testing options that specifically include Spice as part of the panel of drugs being tested. The K2 (Synthetic Marijuana) Drug Test can be set up as a basic or comprehensive drug test for synthetic weed. Additionally, Health Street provides many other urine and hair drug test services which include the K2 drug plus other more common substances. Just choose the facility for the Spice drug test to register. Then, a barcode will be sent to you or the person you specify, and should be presented at the facility upon arrival for the Spice drug test. Results for tests are fast, accurate, and secured in our online portal.

About Spice

What is K2?

K2 is a synthetic cannabinoid, also commonly known as K2, Synthetic Weed, and Synthetic Marijuana. Although often mistaken for marijuana, these two substances are not the same drug. K2 is a manmade chemical mixture, which is usually sprayed onto dried or shredded plant matter in order to give it a more natural presentation, but is also distributed as a liquid for inhalation. The effects of smoking Spice may mimic the feeling of smoking marijuana, but it is much more potent than marijuana and can produce some fatal effects.

Popular Spice Street Names:
Fake Weed
Red X
Black Mamba
K2 Effects and Intended Use:

Synthetic weed has no medical uses, and has a high risk for abuse. Smoking Spice is often mistaken as safe due to the marketing as a "natural" drug alternative to marijuana, but many of the chemicals in the K2 spray are illegal to possess or distribute due to the risk of dangerous side effects.

K2 Side Effects

Inhaling, consuming, or smoking K2 can lead to some serious side effects. The mix of chemicals can be especially dangerous since the exact amounts are often unknown. Some synthetic weed side effects may include:

Severe anxiety
Severe paranoia
Boosted mood
Panic attacks
Increased heart rate
Depression and irritability

More severe K2 side effects can also include swelling of the brain, seizures, increased blood pressure, lack of blood circulating to the heart, damage to kidneys or other organs, and death.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does K2 look like?

Synthetic weed is sometimes described as looking similar to potpourri, or dried up plant matter. Smoking Spice in this form is more common, but it may also come in a liquid form for vaporizing.

What are some K2 effects?

Although we know many of the side effects from smoking Spice, the chemical compounds differ from batch to batch, and this makes the exact K2 effects unpredictable from person to person. As previously mentioned in "K2 Side Effects," a person who is smoking K2 may experience anything from elevated mood to panic attacks, depression, and death.

What is Spice vs weed?

These two substances are commonly mistaken for each other, but are actually not related at all. Spice is a manmade chemical compound that acts on the same receptors in the brain as marijuana, but it bonds more strongly and can also have more devastating effects. The K2 spray is applied to dried leaves or plant matter to mimic a more natural drug, but actually has nothing to do with the plant itself.

How long does K2 stay in your system?

How long Spice stays in your urine or hair is dependent on several factors. Some of these include:

Frequency of use
Amount used
User's metabolism
User's age
Does K2 show up on a drug test?

Yes, Spice can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. Urine drug testing is more common since it is a fast, effective, and less expensive option, but it does look back on a shorter period of time (up to one week). If you need to identify drug use further back than one week, Health Street's K2 hair drug testing option can identify usage approximately 90 days back.

Why drug test for Spice?

Synthetic weed can create dangerous work or home environments, and create strain on personal relationships. It has a high risk of abuse, and the side effects of K2 synthetic weed can be serious. A K2 drug test can help create safer working or home environments, and can open the door to recovery for someone that may be at risk for addiction or death.

Spice Drug Test Options

Health Street offers the following Spice drug tests, which test specifically for this dangerous street drug. Remember, marijuana tests do not detect synthetic weed. Only a specially designed test for this substance will be able to identify usage.

Standard Urine Drug Tests:

Standard Hair Drug Tests:

Expanded K2 Drug Tests:

For a more comprehensive K2 drug test, consider one of the following panels.

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