Heroin - info-hero

Heroin Drug Test


Heroin can be identified in drug testing options that specifically include heroin as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street provides many heroin drug testing services, which are available for both employers and individuals. Urine drug tests are most common, which look back on drug use up to one week. Hair drug tests look further back at approximately 90 days. Just choose the facility for the heroin drug test. From there, a barcode will be sent to you or the person you specify, and should be presented at the facility upon arrival for the heroin drug test. Results for tests are fast, accurate, and secured in our online portal.

About Heroin

What Is Heroin?

Heroin belongs to the opioid class, which also includes substances such as codeine, methadone, and morphine. It comes in the form of a white or brown powder, or a black, tarry substance. According to the CDC, opioid overdose deaths in 2019 involved heroin 28% of the time. Due to heroin's highly addictive nature and the susceptibility to developing a tolerance, pop culture is filled with celebrity anecdotes and popular movies relating to the struggle of addiction—including movies like Shooting Heroin, Trainspotting, and 6 Balloons. The pain relief and euphoria that initially come with heroin use attract some people to abuse the drug, but heroin side effects are severe and can threaten the health of anyone that uses it.

Popular Heroin Street Names:
Hell Dust
Big H
Black Tar
Speedballing (when combined with crack cocaine)
Intended Use and Effects:

Heroin was originally developed with the intended use as a pain reliever. However, due to its very high potential for addiction and negative side effects, heroin quickly became an illegal substance under the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I drug.

Heroin Side Effects, Withdrawal, and Overdose

Heroin Side Effects and Withdrawal:

The highly addictive nature of heroin means that signs of withdrawal appear within hours of the last use. If you suspect heroin use or addiction in someone you know, get them a heroin test and/or into treatment immediately. Once dependent, harsh withdrawal will be experienced in the absence of the drug, and medical treatment may be required. Heroin side effects and symptoms include:

Muscle and bone pain
Dry mouth
Skin flushing
Goosebumps and chills
Increased risk of infections
Mental health issues, such as depression
Organ damage, including liver or kidney disease

Heroin withdrawal is the source of many coined phrases associated with drug abuse. For example, "kicking the habit" refers to the involuntary kicking movements when coming off the opioid, or "kicking heroin."

Heroin Overdose:

People who are addicted to heroin build up a tolerance, which means that they need more of the drug to achieve the same effect. For this reason, it is very easy to overdose. Heroin overdose is a medical emergency that can lead to death. Symptoms can include:

Shallow or no breathing
Pinpoint pupils
Tongue discoloration
Weak pulse
Bluish tinge around the mouth and nails
Muscle spasms
Severe stomach cramps

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is heroin so addictive?

People who are addicted to heroin develop a tolerance, which means that they need more of the drug to achieve the same effect. In addition to this, withdrawal from the substance can be especially harsh due to the severe heroin side effects. Medical intervention may be required to safely manage withdrawals symptoms, which can make kicking heroin harder for those without access to the appropriate healthcare facilities. If you suspect that someone you love has become addicted to heroin, Health Street offers a variety of heroin drug tests, including heroin urine tests and hair tests.

How is heroin ingested?

Ingesting heroin happens in a variety of different ways, including injection, smoking, or inhaling it. Once in the blood, it travels quickly to the brain, binds to opioid receptors, and creates a feeling of euphoria. Injecting, however, results in the most powerful effect, sending users a warm rush of bliss before they go "on the nod"—a state of drowsiness fluctuating in and out of consciousness, yet another one of the heroin side effects.

How long is heroin detectable in urine?

Health Street offers heroin drug tests that look back on different periods of time depending on the test. A heroin urine test can identify drug use up to one week back, although heroin urine detection time can vary depending on many factors. If you need to look back further than one week, a heroin test via hair specimen can detect usage approximately 90 days back.

What is heroin vs codeine or morphine?

These three drugs are easily confused since they affect the perception of pain. Heroin is actually synthesized from morphine—like dairy manufacturers synthesize butter from milk. Morphine, however, is a natural substance that comes from the opium poppy plant. Technically, heroin is a "prodrug," which means it is a substance that converts to a drug after it enters the body. In this case, heroin changes to morphine once ingested. Codeine is another type of basic opiate, but has some legal use as a prescription medication to treat pain. Heroin side effects are so severe that it is not prescribed for medical use, although morphine and codeine are sometimes prescribed for pain relief.

How long does heroin stay in your system?

Heroin detection time is dependent on several factors. Some of these include:

Frequency of use
Amount used
User's metabolism
User's age
Does heroin show up on a drug test?

Yes, heroin can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. Urine drug testing is more common since it is a fast, effective, and less expensive option, but it does look back on a shorter period of time (up to one week). If you need to identify drug use further back than one week, Health Street's hair drug testing option can identify usage approximately 90 days back.

Heroin Drug Test Options

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