Angel Dust (PCP) - info-hero

Angel Dust (PCP) Drug Test


Angel dust, also known as PCP, can be detected in drug tests that specifically include it as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street offers various PCP testing options via hair or urine specimens, which are available for both employers and individuals. Urine drug testing is most common, which looks back on drug use up to one week. Hair drug testing looks further back at approximately 90 days. Just choose the location for the angel dust drug test and complete the registration. From there, a barcode will be sent to you or the person you specify, and should be presented at the facility upon arrival for the angel dust drug test. Testing results are reported quickly, accurately, and stored securely in our online portal.

About Angel Dust

What Is PCP?

PCP, commonly known as angel dust, is a hallucinogen (or dissociative drug) that comes in the form of a white powder or liquid. It can be injected, snorted or inhaled, smoked, or swallowed as tablets or pills. Angel dust is a mind-altering substance that often creates superhuman feelings of invincibility, courage, aggression, or rage. It has earned its reputation as the "scariest" drug because of its frequent association with violent or, at times, gruesome behavior. In 2002, rapper Big Lurch was sentenced to life in prison after murdering his roommate and eating parts of her body while under the influence of PCP. Such violent behavior may be a result of decreased sensitivity to pain and loss of ego. However, Big Lurch's incident of PCP drug violence is only one occurrence of many others related to the drug. Due to the widespread abuse, risk of addiction, and ample episodes of violence, PCP was briefly limited to veterinary only use, but now has strict restrictions as a Schedule II drug.

Popular Angel Dust Street Names:
Embalming Fluid
Crystal Supergrass
Lethal Weapon
Peter Pan
Rocket Fuel
Love Boat
Peace Pills
Horse Tranquilizer
Goon Dust
Whacko Tobacco (combined with tobacco)
Wet (combined with tobacco or marijuana)
Elephant Flipping (combined with MDMA)
Pikachu (combined with MDMA)
PCP Effects And Intended Use:

The original purpose of the PCP drug was to serve as a surgical anesthetic. However, the abundance of severe side effects has outweighed the benefits as an anesthetic, and PCP is now illegal in the U.S.

PCP Side Effects

PCP drug use can result in many different side effects. Due to the way it is stored in the body, PCP side effects can also take place days to month after use. Some angel dust side effects include:

Feeling of euphoria
Feeling of floating
Feeling of superhuman strength
Increased temperature
Increased heart rate
Slurred speech

More serious PCP side effects may include kidney failure, becoming suicidal or inflicting self-injury, violent reactions, muscle deterioration, coma, seizures, and even death.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does PCP look like?

Angel dust often comes in the form of a white powder, but can also be a liquid, pills, or capsules. Sometimes it is dyed different colors, so angel dust can look different depending on how it is prepared.

What does PCP feel like?

Although PCP effects may include a feeling of euphoria or superhuman strength, the risks substantially outweigh these effects. Some of the negative angel dust drug effects can include agitation, increased violence, self-injury, suicidal tendencies, seizures, and even death. If you or someone you know needs or would like a PCP drug test, Health Street offers a variety of different testing methods.

What type of drug is PCP?

The PCP drug class is referred to as "hallucinogens," which is a dissociative and mind-altering category of drugs that distort a person's perception of reality.

How long does PCP stay in your system?

How long angel dust stays in your urine or hair is dependent on several factors. Some of these include:

Frequency of use
Amount used
User's metabolism
User's age
Does Angel Dust show up on a drug test?

Yes, Angel Dust can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of PCP test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. Urine drug testing is more common since it is a fast, effective, and less expensive option, but it does look back on a shorter period of time (up to one week). If you need to identify drug use further back than one week, Health Street's hair drug testing option can identify usage approximately 90 days back.

Why get a PCP drug test?

PCP drug use can create dangerous work and home environments, and even lead to addiction or loss of life amongst a host of other side effects. Getting a PCP drug test may help create safer working or home environments, and can open the door to recovery for someone that may be at risk for addiction or death.

Angel dust Drug Test Options

Health Street offers the following angel dust drug tests. These drug testing options can be ordered by both individuals and employers. Whether you're an employer seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace or an individual looking to drug test yourself or a family member, we have a drug testing solution for you.

Angel Dust Urine Drug Tests

Angel Dust Hair Drug Tests

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