Ketamine Drug Testing - info-hero

Ketamine Drug Testing

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Ketamine can be detected in drug tests that specifically include it as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street offers various drug testing options via hair or urine specimens, which are available for both employers and individuals. Urine drug testing is most common, which looks back on drug use up to one week. Hair drug testing looks further back at approximately 90 days. Just choose the location for the ketamine drug test and complete the registration. From there, a barcode will be sent to you or the person you specify, and should be presented at the facility upon arrival for the ketamine drug test. Testing results are reported quickly, accurately, and stored securely in our online portal.

About Ketamine

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic that usually comes in the form of a clear liquid or an off-white powder. As seen in the film Extract, this drug can distort the perception of reality and can make the person who uses it to feel like they're losing control. Ketamine has approved medical uses for people and animals, but is mostly only used by veterinarians. Although sometimes abused for its hallucinogenic effects similar to PCP, ketamine's anesthetic properties and odorless form allows it to be abused as a date rape drug. This tasteless drug might be maliciously slipped into a drink at the club or laced into a cigarette.

Popular Ketamine Street Names:
Kit Kat
Cat Valium
Super K
Vitamin K
Special K
Cat Tranquilizer
Super Acid
Jet K
Intended Use and Effects:

Ketamine is a Schedule II drug, meaning that it is a controlled substance that is approved for certain medical uses. It is mostly used in veterinary offices for sedation or anesthesia, but is sometimes stolen to use for recreational purposes.

Side Effects of Ketamine

Ketamine can come with a slew of side effects. Some of the more common side effects might include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling drowsy
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Pain at injection site

Ketamine misuse or abuse may result in more severe side effects. Some of these may include seizures, difficulty breathing, depression, amnesia, loss of motor coordination, memory loss, paralysis, and delirium. Street use of ketamine can increase the risk of death due to the state of paralysis and confusion, increasing the risk for accidents. When mixed with other drugs like magic mushrooms or alcohol, the risks can sharply increase. Mental health and cognitive function are at risk with long-term or heavy use of this drug. Some of these effects may include mood changes, severe memory issues, inability to think clearly, and difficulty focusing. In people who are predisposed to other mental illnesses, this drug may give rise to sudden development of those.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a ketamine hangover?

Also referred to as a "come down," this occurs after heavy or long-term use of the drug. The body adjusts to the presence of the drug, and withdrawal symptoms may occur. Ketamine hangover symptoms may include decreased appetite, depression, chills, abnormal heartbeat, disruptive dreams, fatigue, perspiration, and tremors.

How long does ketamine stay in your system?

How long ketamine stays in your system is dependent on several factors, and ketamine drug test detection times may vary. Some of these factors include:

Frequency of use
Amount used
User's metabolism
User's age
Does ketamine show up on a drug test?

Yes, ketamine can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. Urine drug testing is more common since it is a fast, effective, and less expensive option, but it does look back on a shorter period of time (up to one week). If you need to identify drug use further back than one week, Health Street's hair drug testing option can identify usage approximately 90 days back.

Why drug test for ketamine?

The misuse or abuse of ketamine can create dangerous work or home environments, and create strain on personal relationships. This drug can lead to unnecessary accidents when abused due to its potential to induce paralysis, alter the individual's perception, or cause the individual to hallucinate. Health Street also provides an Emergency Date Rape test that includes a ketamine drug test.

Ketamine Drug Test Options

Health Street offers the following ketamine drug tests should you need or choose to be tested. These drug testing options can be ordered by both individuals and employers. Whether you're an employer seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace or an individual looking to drug test yourself or a family member, we have a drug testing solution for you.

Urine - Ketamine Drug Test

Hair - Ketamine Drug Test

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