GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid) Drug Test
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid) can be detected in drug tests that specifically include it as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street offers urine testing services that can identify drug use up to a week back. Although it cannot be tested in our hair drug tests, we do offer several urine panel drug tests that include a GHB drug test. Tests can be scheduled by employers or individuals; just choose the location to get a drug test for GHB and complete the registration. Then you (or whomever you specify) will receive a barcode, which should be presented at the facility when the person arrives for the GHB drug test. Test results are fast, accurate, and reported securely in our online portal.
About GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid)
What Is GHB?
GHB, commonly known as Georgia Home Boy, is a central nervous depressant that has a high potential for abuse due to its euphoric, anabolic, and sedative effects. Like Rohypnol, GHB is notorious as a date rape drug that is maliciously slipped into drinks. It either comes in the form of a white powder or a clear liquid that looks like water, and is mostly tasteless with a faint flavor of salt. As demonstrated in the true crime book Spiked: The Story of a Woman Drugged With Ghb and How She Was Turned Into a Criminal, this drug has the ability to severely impact those who consume it unkowingly.
Popular GHB Street Names:
Intended Use and Effects:
Georgia Home Boy is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. However, Xyrem, which is a brand name containing GHB, is classified as a Schedule III drug and sometimes prescribed to treat narcolepsy or cataplexy.
Side Effects of GHB Drug Use
Georgia Home Boy can bring about a variety of side effects. Some of these may include:
The risks of GHB significantly increase when combined with other substances. GHB drug abuse can lead to severe side effects, and may result in seizures, coma, or death.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does GHB do?
GHB is a central nervous system depressant, which works by slowing activity in the brain. GHB effects can vary greatly, but may include decreased heart rate, slowed breathing, and lowered body temperature.
How long is GHB detectable in urine?
Health Street's GHB urine testing can identify drug use up to one week back. However, many factors influence whether or not the drug is detected.
How long does GHB stay in your system?
How long GHB drug use can be detected is dependent on several factors. Some of these include:
Does GHB show up on a drug test?
Yes, GHB can be detected in a drug test. However, the type of test may be a factor in whether or not it will show up. Health Street offers urine drug testing for GHB drug use, but it must be specifically included in the panel of drugs being tested. Our Georgia Home Boy (GHB) Drug Test is a popular option for GHB testing, and it is also available in the Emergency Date Rape Drug Test.
Why drug test for GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?
GHB is a controlled substance classified as a Schedule I drug. This drug is highly addictive and may compromise the safety of people exposed to it, especially if they have safety-sensitive jobs. A GHB drug test can open the door to recovery for someone that may be in danger of addiction, abuse, or death.
GHB Drug Test Options
Health Street offers the following GHB tests. These drug testing options can be ordered by both individuals and employers. Whether you're an employer seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace or an individual looking to get a GHB drug test for yourself or a family member, we have a drug testing solution for you.
23 Panel Drug Test $429