Ecstasy Drug Test
Ecstasy can be detected in drug tests that specifically include it as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Health Street offers various drug testing options via hair or urine specimens, which are available for both employers and individuals. Urine drug testing is most common, which looks back on drug use up to one week. Hair drug testing looks further back at approximately 90 days. Just choose the location for the ecstasy drug test and complete the registration. From there, a barcode will be sent to you or the person you specify, and should be presented at the facility upon arrival for the ecstasy drug test. Testing results are reported quickly, accurately, and stored securely in our online portal.
About Ecstasy
What Is Ecstasy?
Ecstasy (MDMA) is a synthetic stimulant, popular amongst clubgoers, that creates feelings of pleasure and empathy in users. Ecstasy unleashes a burst of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for the feelings of well-being, happiness, love, and sexual arousal. Ecstasy is usually taken as a pill or powder, as many of us know due to hit films like Bad Boys II and MDMA. Like all drugs, it's a package deal that comes complete with side effects; ecstasy is notable for the depression that accompanies its hangover.
Popular Ecstasy Street Names
Some other names for ecstasy include:
Intended Use and Effects:
Long-term effects may include damage to the brain that leads to Parkinson's disease later in life. There are also signs of memory deficits from chronic use of the drug. Overdose can cause renal failure, stroke, and damage to the heart. It is unclear whether the body develops a chemical dependence to MDMA, but people who use it certainly feel an emotional attachment to it.
Side Effects of Ecstasy
Most teens or young adults who frequent the party circuit, particularly those that stay out all night, have some exposure to this drug. The most telltale signs that someone has used ecstasy occur as the person comes down from the high.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does ecstasy stay in urine?
How long ecstasy is detectable in urine is dependent on several factors. Some of these include frequency of use, amount used, the person's metabolism, and the person's age.
Does ecstasy show up on a drug test?
Ecstasy can be detected in urine and hair drug tests that specifically include it as part of the panel of drugs being tested. Our 7 panel hair test detects ecstasy use, as does our 7 panel urine drug test. Note that ecstasy is not included in a 9 panel or 10 panel urine drug test. To include more drugs in the panel, opt for a 12 panel or higher, all of which include an MDMA drug test.
Why drug test for ecstasy?
As with any drug, ecstasy can create dangerous work environments or create strain in personal relationships. Ecstasy can cause cardiovascular distress, dehydration, or raise body temperatures to the the point of liver and kidney damage. In addition to the physical ramifications of this drug, ecstasy can also reduce serotonin in the brain for up to seven years, resulting in long-term mental health challenges.
Ecstasy Drug Test Options
Health Street offers the following ecstasy urine tests and hair tests. The higher number the panel, the more drugs are tested, but ecstasy is included in all of the following. These drug testing options can be ordered by both individuals and employers. Whether you're an employer seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace or an individual looking to drug test yourself or a family member, we have a drug testing solution for you.
Ecstasy Urine Tests:
12 Panel Drug Test $149
14 Panel Drug Test $199
16 Panel Drug Test $250
20 Panel Drug Test $299
22 Panel Drug Test $399
23 Panel Drug Test $429
25 Panel Drug Test $499
Ecstasy Hair Tests:
5 Panel Drug Test $175
7 Panel Drug Test $200
12 Panel Drug Test $475
14 Panel Drug Test $750
17 Panel Drug Test $950
Some Specialized MDMA Drug Tests:
DOT Drug Test $95