Will Issue 3 Change OH Drug Testing?

Ohio residents will vote on Issue 3 to legalize the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes legal, which is raising questions about how its passing will impact the way businesses drug test their employees.

Nina Fenton

A medical marijuana and recreational amendment may pass in Ohio on November 3, which may have an impact on how businesses in the state conduct drug tests on their current and prospective employees, according to a recent media reports.

With the potential passing of Issue 3 on the horizon, state drug policy experts have voiced concerned over the ways in which businesses view the results of a marijuana (THC cannabis) drug test given the unique way in which the drug binds itself to fat cells within the body. This fat binding process is ultimately responsible for the potential for users to test positive for 30 days or more, even if there are mere traces of THC remaining in their systems.

Nina Fenton

Nina works hard to be a voice to the voiceless whose stories about drug testing, DNA testing and paternity deserve to be told. It is her goal to always come from a place free of judgment and full of compassion as she brings our readers to a new understanding, offering opportunities to learn and gain insight along the way.

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