Mushrooms Drug Effects
Magic mushrooms, with mind altering psilocybin, are mystical, transformative, and dangerous.

What kind of drug would someone take to initiate a psychedelic experience, even if it risks hurting themselves and/or potentially others? Apparently, Mushrooms (i.e., magic mushrooms). Psilocybin (found in dried or fresh mushrooms) is illegal; yet there are many people who devour it in hopes of finding a mystical experience. In fact, there are even some studies that have shown that mushrooms can create long term changes in personality; the theory goes like this: once someone feels the spirituality of a good trip on "shrooms", as they are known in the street, they gain an open-mindedness that never fully diminishes.
Mushrooms - A Transformative Experience
There is no doubt in mind that this street drug (chemically related to LSD), Magic Mushrooms, can create a transformative experience. According to Brown University Health Education:
"Users report feelings of mild euphoria and tingling physical sensations. They also report increased sensitivity to music and visual sensations...and may include mental and physical relaxation, tiredness, a sense of separateness from surroundings, feelings of physical heaviness or lightness, mood swings and perceptual distortions."
Often times the mind-altering experience mushroom users gain from ingesting psilocybin is little, to the consequences they will face. CBS News reported that LSD, magic mushrooms, and other psychedelics are not linked to mental health woes; but the reality is that any illegal drugs that can create euphoric feelings are dangerous for any number of reasons.
If you have ever heard a someone's story of ingesting magic mushrooms, then you have heard their mushroom trip story. For some users, some trips are good; while for others, nothing is more chaotic then a bad mushroom trip. Commonly you will hear the stories of crime, violence, fear, and possibly other extreme damaging consequential tales from the magic mushroom user. Other times, you hear of long hours of desperation, paranoia, and waiting for the buzz to wear off.
Mushrooms Side Effects
The dangers of magic mushrooms are real. This is not the magic that we tell children about; and certainly not magic for our thoughts. Psilocybin produces an unnatural feeling that is almost unreal. Even Sabrina The Teenage Witch admits how she has taken a cocktail of ecstasy, mushrooms, and marijuana. It took Melissa Joan Hart to stop hanging with a drug using crowd to quit. And if you are in college, watch out for coercive co-students looking for ways to manipulate your mind, and partygoers looking for ways to alter their mind to pump the party up.
Here are some bad trips to chew over before you pop some shrooms on a pizza and go out with your friends for the day:
A student at the University of Colorado Boulder went on a hiking trip with her friends, tripped mushrooms, stripped naked and tried to fight her friends.
An Ohio man attempted to rip off his penis and scrotum with his bare hands, while high on mushrooms.
A 20-year-old man walking his dog in his quiet Florida neighborhood, naked, tripping on mushrooms, was tased three times by the police after he tried to attack them when they approached him.
Be wary of this hallucinogenic street drug that is meant to sedate your central nervous system; it is an un-natural euphoric feeling. Health Street has specialized urine tests for Psilocybin.