Haplogroup Ethnicity Testing

Are you interested in taking your genealogy research to the next level? Consider having a DNA test to determine your haplogroup and discover where your ancient ancestors ended up, if and when they migrated out of Africa over 170,000 years ago.
What are Haplogroups?
Haplogroups are genetically distinct groups that evolved over time. There are approximately 18 different groups, and each one tells the story of how a group of people spread around the globe and eventually became diverse from one another.
Every person in the world belongs to one or another haplogroup. As individuals moved slowly around the world and adapted to new climates, new diets and new ways of living, they evolved into distinct groups. Although there is no scientific definition of race, today's DNA testing technology can determine your haplogroup and provide information about your ancient ancestors. It's not just about how you look, or where your grandmother was born. Determining your haplogroup can give you some information about the travels your ancestors made over the centuries to get to where your grandmother was born.
Your haplogroup will connect you to a specific geographic area in the world. It will contain all of the descendants of the first individual who had the specific DNA marker that you share. This marker or mutation, because it is rare, can be used to identify what part of the world your ancestors originally lived in, even though it may not be where you always believed it was.
Haplogroups and Your Family History
You may think you know all about your family history, but most of us only have that history back 3-4 generations or less. Imagine having information that could point you toward the journey your ancestors took to get where they settled in ancient times! This piece of your personal genealogy puzzle can help a lot of other pieces fall into place.
It's easier than you think to get this information and satisfy your curiosity. Or maybe this information will only increase your curiosity. The haplogroup you belong to may not be the one you expected. Contact us at Health Street to arrange for a maternal lineage test or paternal lineage test. Take your genealogical research to the next level as you locate your ancient origins.