DNA Testing for Syrian Refugees?
Senator Ron Johnson has proposed DNA testing as a means of preventing terrorists from entering the country when the United States grants 100,000 Syrian refugees asylum.

United States Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin presented what he thinks is a viable solution to aiding the many Syrian refugees who are seeking asylum in the states. Johnson feels that conducting DNA testing on all refugees entering the country is a viable option and will help the situation as a whole.
During a hearing with Homeland Security and the Government Affairs Committee last week, Johnson said, "If we set as a number one criteria, family members, we can do DNA testing. That would certainly be, I think, helpful."
The introduction of his idea came about as committee members discussed the potential for terrorist entering the country when the United States admits up to 100,000 refugees by 2017. Understandably, there is quite a bit of concern surrounding the potential for increased terrorism domestically as ISIS continues to grow in power in Syria. However, it remains to be seen how much a legal DNA test will impede any terrorists from coming into the country...unless there's a special terrorism DNA marker that we are unaware of.