San Antonio Background Checks

Health Street offers a variety of background screening options in the city of San Antonio. Employers may choose from packages for criminal database checks, DOT background checks, healthcare background checks, and resume verification. If only a specific background screening is needed, we also offer individual database checks or the option to "build your own" package.

Simply register online for a background check in San Antonio, or give us a call at (210) 460-4325. Each individual being screened will receive a waiver electronically, and the background check will start automatically as soon as it has been signed. If this is the first time that your company has ordered a background screening through Health Street, then we will also send you an agreement to be signed electronically.

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Workforce Screening, Digitally Delivered

True Professional Shervon

Shervon is a true professional! I have reached her on a couple of occasions and shes always very helpful and informative. Her attitude is spot on and I always end the call feeling 100% satisfied. Thank you.
Noemi R.
PRS Credentialing Services
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5 out of 5 stars (1 reviews)

San Antonio TX BG Check

Background Check Laws in the City of San Antonio

Since 2016, San Antonio has "banned the box" on city job applications. This initiative, spearheaded by then-councilman Rey Saldaña, helps "level the playing field" for job applicants with a criminal past. The "Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance" prohibits the city of San Antonio from using job applications that require applicants to check a box if they have a criminal history. Instead, this information would only come up after the employee has received a formal job offer and is required to submit to the city's mandatory background check.

Statistics About Crime in the City of San Antonio

Recent statistics show that 2021 may be San Antonio's most violent year in over a decade. Here's a look at the numbers:

In 2019, San Antonio reported more than 11,000 incidents of violent crime
There were 128 murders in 2020, compared with 105 in 2019 - a 22% jump
In total, 2020 was the deadliest year since 2016, which had a record total of 149 homicides
In the first 6 months of 2021, there were already 74 homicides reported
This is the deadliest first half of the year reported since 2011
Based on 2021's year-to-date numbers, the city of San Antonio is poised to break homicide records

Catholic Charities Fail to Background Check Adults Working with Children

In 2019, an audit of Catholic Charities in San Antonio found that the organization failed to give background checks to 54 paid volunteers who were working with their Foster Grandparents program. As a condition of receiving federal funding, the organization was required to have all volunteers submit to a National Service Criminal History Check (NSCHC). This is a screening procedure that had previously been established by law to vet people before allowing them to access "vulnerable populations" like the elderly and children.

The organization's staff blamed the failure on a "coding issue" and stated that each individual would be re-checked and re-fingerprinted. The results of this audit caused at least one program partner to deny the agency's request for funding, highlighting the importance of following background check rules and ensuring that proper documentation is retained so it can be provided in case of an audit.

What Types of Background Screenings Does Health Street Offer in San Antonio?

Criminal Background Screening Packages

Our criminal background checks for San Antonio always begin with a Social Security Number Trace. Select from one of our popular background check packages below.

Additional Background Screening Services

Our DOT screening services or resume verification can help you save valuable time and ensure that your candidates meet the requirements for the job.

Why Order a Background Check

Why Are Background Screenings in San Antonio Important?

Background checks for employment are critical to making informed decisions and hiring the best candidates for your company. Ordering a background screening in San Antonio can reduce risks and create a safer workplace for your employees. Hiring the wrong people for the job can have a detrimental impact not only on your employees, but possibly even the reputation of the company.

Why Choose Health Street For San Antonio Background Screenings?

Effective background screenings require knowing and following rules and regulations that can vary by location. For this reason, completing background checks by yourself can result in legal trouble. Health Street has over a decade of experience monitoring laws and regulations to ensure compliance in San Antonio.

Health Street can help you quickly and efficiently expose criminal activity, avoid uncovering more information than legally allowed, and answer any questions that you may have along the way.

See All Background Checks

Background Checks for Other Locations

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