Detroit Background Checks

Background checks are a key step to ensuring that the right candidate is hired for the job, but can often take a lot of time and require tedious research to avoid legal trouble. Health Street is here to help companies flawlessly accelerate the background screening process in Detroit. We can perform criminal database checks, DOT background check services, and even check the references or credentials that a candidate claims on a resume.

Register for a background screening in Detroit online or by calling (313) 251-4041. Every individual being screened will receive a waiver electronically, and the background screening will begin automatically once it has been signed. If this is the first time that your company has ordered a background screening through Health Street, then we will also send you an agreement to be signed electronically.

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Background Screenings in Detroit MI

Background Check Laws Specific to the City of Detroit, MI

The city of Detroit, MI became a "ban the box" city in 2010, requiring employers to limit questions regarding criminal backgrounds from employment applications. In 2012, it required the question of previous convictions to be removed from the applications. The law does not apply to private employers.

Background checks in Detroit may be run after the applicant is interviewed or after finding the applicant to be qualified for employment by the city.

Statistics About Crime in the City of Detroit, MI

In 2020, Detroit, MI had a rate of 2,248.4 violent crimes per 100,000 people, with 14,370 violent crimes committed. Violent crimes in Detroit included homicide, rape, assault, and robbery.
From 2019 to 2020 in Detroit, violent crimes increased by 10.25 percent.
In 2019 in Detroit, there were 13,034 violent crimes committed.
Murders increased in Detroit by 19.3 percent in 2020, and aggravated assaults increased by 21.7 percent.
In 2020, 328 murders, 676 rapes, 1,848 robberies, and 11,518 aggravated assaults were reported in Detroit.
Detroit, MI has a crime index of 2 out of 100, meaning that Detroit is safer than 2 percent of all U.S. cities.

Experts Say...

Detroit, MI employment lawyer, Michael Blum, explains that the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act governs how employers obtain and use background checks from a third party. "Before conducting a background check, an employer must disclose in writing to the applicant that it may conduct a background check which could affect employment decisions," he said. "The disclosure document must be presented on its own—not as part of an employment application, an orientation packet, or other collection of documents."

Blum continued to say that an employer must have an applicant's written permission to run a background check, and the information obtained must not be used to discriminate against the applicant. "Before taking adverse action, an employer must issue the candidate a written notice that includes a copy of the consumer report it relied on to make its decision, as well as a copy of 'A Summary of Your Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act,' which should be provided by the credit reporting company," Blum said. "By giving the individual the notice in advance, the individual has an opportunity to review the report and explain any negative information."

What Types of Background Screenings Does Health Street Offer in Detroit?

Criminal Background Screening Packages

Our criminal background checks for Detroit always begin with a Social Security Number Trace. Select from one of our popular background check packages below.

Additional Background Screening Services

Our DOT screening services or resume verification can help you save valuable time and ensure that your candidates meet the requirements for the job.

Why Order a Background Check

Why Are Background Screenings in Detroit Important?

Background checks for employment are critical to making informed decisions and hiring the best candidates for your company. Ordering a background screening in Detroit can reduce risks and create a safer workplace for your employees. Hiring the wrong people for the job can have a detrimental impact not only on your employees, but possibly even the reputation of the company.

Why Choose Health Street For Detroit Background Screenings?

Effective background screenings require knowing and following rules and regulations that can vary by location. For this reason, completing background checks by yourself can result in legal trouble. Health Street has over a decade of experience monitoring laws and regulations to ensure compliance in Detroit.

Health Street can help you quickly and efficiently expose criminal activity, avoid uncovering more information than legally allowed, and answer any questions that you may have along the way.

See All Background Checks

Background Checks for Other Locations

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Learn more about Michigan Background Checks.

Looking for a Different State?

Different states have different background screening regulations. View our state directory of background checks.

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