Aircraft Repair Stations
Under the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, current and prospective aircraft repair station workers are required to follow specific FAA drug testing procedures. FAA repair station positions, such as aircraft mechanics, are considered safety-sensitive and employers must adhere to guidelines established under the FAA Drug Abatement Division to maintain public safety.
In order to maintain complete compliance, FAA and DOT drug testing regulations should always be referred to when navigating FAA repair station drug and alcohol testing procedures and requirements. Various testing situations, such as FAA random drug testing or pre-employment testing requirements, are discussed below.
Register for drug testing online or by calling (888) 378-2499.

FAA Drug Testing Information
FAA Pre-Employment Drug Screenings
With aircraft repair station operator positions being labeled as safety-sensitive by the FAA, applicants are required to follow pre-employment drug screen requirements. According to DOT/FAA pre-employment drug testing regulations, all applicants seeking an FAA safety-sensitive job position must undergo urinalysis drug testing prior to employment.
In the era of marijuana legalization, it's important for aircraft repair station applicants and employees to also remain mindful of additional FAA regulations. Regardless of marijuana legality in the applicant's residing state, FAA regulation 14 CFR § 120.33 prohibits a safety-sensitive employee from having a prohibited drug, which includes marijuana and marijuana metabolites, in their system.
FAA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing
In addition to pre-employment drug testing, current aircraft repair station employees are also subjected to FAA random drug testing regulations. According to FAA's Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy, all aviation employers must conduct random drug and alcohol testing on employees who perform safety-sensitive duties.
When conducting random drug and alcohol testing, employers must select employees using a scientifically-valid method, such as a random number table or a computer-based random number generator. These unannounced tests must be spread reasonably over the course of a year and must ensure each employee has an equal chance of being selected. Likewise, employers must test enough employees to meet the minimum annual percentage rate set by the DOT/FAA.
FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements
Employers who are required to follow FAA drug and alcohol testing policy must also follow specific testing requirements. The FAA currently follows the Department of Transportation (DOT) use requirement of a U.S. Department of Health & Human Services lab-certified 5-panel drug test, which screens for marijuana (THC), cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, and phencyclidine (PCP).
For employee alcohol testing procedures, DOT drug testing regulations require testing to be completed by a certified screening test technician (STT) or a breath alcohol technician (BAT). Employee alcohol testing may use either bodily fluids or breath as long as the testing device has been approved by the Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance (ODAPC).
Frequently Asked Questions
Do aviation mechanics get drug tested?
Numerous FAA aircraft maintenance positions, including aircraft mechanics, are considered safety-sensitive and are required to be covered by an FAA drug and alcohol testing program.
What kind of drug test does the FAA use?
The FAA follows the U.S. Department of Transportations (DOT) testing requirement of a 5-panel drug test using urinalysis or blood samples if the individual tested cannot produce enough urine.
What drugs does the FAA test for?
Using the U.S. Department of Transportations (DOT) 5-panel drug testing requirement, the FAA screens for marijuana (THC), cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, and phencyclidine (PCP).
This Information Is Not Intended for Legal Purposes
The information provided on this page is intended for your own knowledge, and should not be used for legal matters. Please seek the advice of a legal expert regarding legal advice for drug testing laws in your state.